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Claudio Capéo Delights the Crowd at the V and B Fest’

Le festival du V and B Fest’ in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne, in the South of Mayenne, is in full swing. It ends this Sunday with artists like Juliette Armanet and Damso on stage. This Saturday, it was in particular a singer that we know well and that we adore on France Bleu Mayenne who was on stage: Claudio Capeo. We asked him a few questions. Interview.

Claudio Capéo and his troupe answered a few questions from journalists this Saturday. © Radio France – Alexandre Frémont

France Bleu Mayenne: How do you feel at a festival like that, is there impatience or, on the contrary, is it going too fast?

Claudio Capéo: There is excitement, quite simply, because it makes us feel good, because that’s what we work on all year round, to go on stage, to be able to meet people, for us , that is the most important. It’s being able to put the text is a melody in front of your eyes and your smiles. This is what takes our heart. Today (Saturday, editor’s note), it was quite exceptional. For us, already, it’s the last of the festivals, that’s it, it’s over. Then, we will leave for the zeniths in a month. So it’s a day of celebration. It was super important and we were very happy to be scheduled for this festival. It’s the third edition, it’s incredible, we say to ourselves ‘How do the guys do it?’ I don’t know, they are completely crazy. And the reception is crazy. You see all these smiles and everything that happens, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that.

On the title “A standing man”, do you tell yourself that you play it too much, that you no longer want to play it so much you had done it?

I think it’s normal, when you do something, it’s recurring, it’s all the time and you get tired of it, but in those cases, I mustn’t think of us, that I think of myself, you have to think of the public because it is this title that carried us, that allowed us to be here today and all that is thanks to the public, thanks to the people who come to us see. So, for them, it has to be done and better and better.

How was this Mayenne public and is this the first time you have come to the department?

The first time, I don’t think. But the truth is, I don’t have a head, I don’t remember anything. Anyway, it was great. They are wonderful, we were raw, they were completely into it, they opened our eyes, they smiled at us. It’s true that when you arrive in big things like that, it’s not necessarily easy because we’re still little guys. And then finally, they carried us and it allows to end in style on an incredible thing. It remains the last memory of the festivals and it was at home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of this.

How, precisely, is the Mayenne public different?

I don’t know. I think that everyone is different, that each human being is different, that each region is different, carried by different forces and there, you feel that there is a sharing, there is a need to live together. It’s with an open heart, once again. Maybe I say it a little too much, but it’s important, especially these days. There, you see that we want to live and that we want to have fun, to party, to be together and to enjoy. Whether we like it or we don’t like it, we go there. So, that was amazing.

How do you apprehend such a festival when you are scheduled at the start of the afternoon?

It’s a nice question. It’s up to us to anticipate and make sure we can stick to the project, to be able to stick to the festival, to be able to stick to everything that’s going to follow, what comes before, what comes after. You have to make sure you can appeal to the greatest number and while keeping our pleasure and what we are.


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2023-08-27 12:46:28
#desire #fun #singer #Claudio #Capéo #greets #Mayenne #public #Fest

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