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Claudia Sheinbaum reports saturated hospitals – Noticieros Televisa

The Head of Government of the Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, reported this Monday that there are several crowded hospitals for cases of coronavirus (Covid-19).

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“On Saturday I reported that there were 468 people intubated in hospitals in Mexico City, the data from yesterday night is 524 people intubated and 1,123 people hospitalized, there is 34% saturation, but as you are seeing, it is going growing significantly, at this time there are hospitals that are saturated, for example, the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases already has saturation of people who require intubateation, but we are looking to expand the capacity of the INER, “Sheinbaum explained.

In a video conference, Sheinbaum affirmed that at this time there are no conditions to reactivate economic activity in the country’s capital, and stressed that restrictions on mobility will be lifted from May 30, as recommended by federal authorities.

“It cannot be contradictory at this time to return to work in the face of the pandemic, that is unacceptable, it is irresponsible, to the extent that there is more contact between people, the sicker there are going to be, the more fans are going to have to use and more deaths are going to happen, then, it cannot be contradictory at this time, the one that returns to economic activity before the health situation, the two things have to go hand in hand and we have to understand that in right now there is no other option but to stay at home and the healthy distance to face the global pandemic, “said the head of government.

He clarified that the Citibanamex Center, which will be enabled as a temporary unit of COVID-19, will not attend serious patients.

“I would not attend intensive therapy or intubated patients, but patients with minor problems or convalescent patients, I think we are going to go before it starts to be used, obviously, probably on Wednesday we will do it, we are already designing everything, there is a hiring of Special doctors, so we also wanted there to be at least 70% of the recruitment of doctors and doctors so that we could actually present it so that it could probably be used next week, ”Sheinbaum explained.

The head of government assured that the measures that will be implemented once the declaration of the phase 3 of the COVID-19 outbreak, but ruled out that they are going to make a curfew in the city or that they are going to apply extreme measures such as fining or detaining people who are on the streets.

With information from Cinthya Marin.

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