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Claudia Rosiny’s Film About Dancing


Stage performance, dance film, YouTube clip and Co. – this volume is dedicated to the various intermedial relationships that dance and media have entered into and offers an innovative and vivid approach that transcends the boundaries of science. The first comprehensive investigation into the intermediality of dance opens up a new perspective on the history of dance and media in the 20th and 21st centuries. The examination of media studies with dance and movement on the one hand and the confrontation of the young dance studies with media research on the other enriches the current and important debate on interdisciplinarity.

author portrait

Claudia Rosiny (Dr. phil.) is responsible for the performing arts at the Federal Office of Culture in Bern and teaches at various universities.


»An extremely informative book that leaves virtually no questions unanswered with regard to dance and the media. One could also say: More is simply not possible.« Film und Buch, 7 (2013) »Tanz Film is recommended as an invitation to lustfully vagabond ›navigating‹ through the subject area as well as a handy collection of material on dance and cinematic media. Anyone who would like to find out more about this subject area has a well-interconnected book at hand, which, due to its catalog-like structure, should also prove itself as a practical compendium.« Kristina Köhler, Kieler Contributions to Film Music Research, 11 (2014) “Though Rosiny’s study also suffers the inevitable shortcoming of any written work dealing with an art executed in three dimensions over time, her descriptions of dance performances are clear and insightful. ›Tanz Film‹ should find a place in undergraduate and graduate level courses in dance history and media and cultural studies.« Richard John Ascárate, MEDIENwissenschaft, 4 (2013) »The present volume is a compendium that, without claiming to Wanting to collect completeness closes a gap in the research. At the same time, however, it also shows other fields of research and thus makes science seem alive and lucid.« Jasmina Schebesta, www.opernnetz.de, 10.07.2013 »All in all, an extensive collection of individual works that form the basis or shape the respective subject area has emerged that on on the basis of a concept of terminology builds up a catalog structure that makes the book ideally suited as a reference work for a period of dance and media history.« Peter Dahms, TanzInfo-Berlin, July 3rd, 2013 »A brilliant life’s work […], which registers all the important dance artists in the field of ›intermedial‹, well sorted, up to the present and honors them in hauntingly concise language.« Arnd Wesemann, Tanz, 7 (2013) »Groundbreaking pioneering work. Encouragement to enjoy browsing.« Ulrich Völker, www.tanznetz.de, 24.06.2013 Discussed in: Up To Dance, 3 (2013) GMK-Newsletter, 7 (2013)

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