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Classroom work and gyms with high risk of contagion, study points out – Executive Digest

A study carried out in the region of Lisbon and the Tagus Valley reveals that face-to-face work and gyms represent a high risk of contagion at Covid-19. Who advanced it was Henrique de Barros, from the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto, in the meeting that takes place this Thursday, at Infarmed, in Lisbon.

The official said that the research took place between the 2nd of October and the 6th of November and involved 782 people infected with the new coronavirus. “Going to gyms, working in person or living in accommodation but crowded seems to be associated with an increased likelihood of infection”, says the specialist.

According to the study’s data, of the total of 782 people, 234 refused to answer. «Almost 50% [dos infetados] have Higher Education ”and“ a great majority said they went to the gym at least once a week ”, that is 96.5%.

In this sense, according to Henrique de Barros, “gyms appear as scenarios where exposure to infection is more frequent”, as also happens with public transport, albeit on a smaller scale.

On the other hand, “the level [de infeção] it is much lower in those who attended shopping centers and restaurants », which are currently, according to the research in question, the places with the lowest risk of contagion due to viral disease.

The meetings on the evolution of invite-19 in Portugal, which bring together politicians, specialists and social partners, were resumed this Thursday, at 10:00 am, at Infarmed, in Lisbon.

The last of these meetings took place at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, on September 7th, after having been interrupted for about two months

Government source told the Lusa agency that, at today’s meeting on the epidemiological situation in Portugal, issues such as the possible extension of the state of emergency, a balance of the measures taken so far and the trend of the evolution of covid-19 in the parents.

These meetings, which arose at the initiative of the Prime Minister, with the objective of sharing information, started on March 24 and ran until July 8, in ten sessions in the auditorium of Infarmed – National Authority for Medicines and Health Products, in Lisbon, initially weekly and then fortnightly.

After about two months without any meeting, the Minister of State and the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, announced on August 27 that these sessions with experts and politicians would be resumed, with a novelty: “There will be a part, the expository part, which will be open broadcast and that is the main difference that the meetings will have in relation to the past ”.

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