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Class hatred. A business leader orders the assassination of a trade unionist

On July 24, 2020, the police check of two DGSE agents stationed in Créteil in front of the house of Marie-Hélène Dini, business coach, marked the start of the dismantling of an alleged network of assassins. The investigation begins by chance, but ends up foiling an assassination attempt sponsored by a business manager on one of her unionized employees, whom she deemed too combative. His “phobia”, she says, would have been that Hassan, CGTiste and yellow vest, unites other employees to the point that ” unions declare themselves […] after we lose the family spirit “. More than a news item, this incredible story reveals how far class hatred of employers can go.

It all starts with the arrest of these two agents of the DGSE, in 2020. Far from embodying the flower of espionage, since they are only supervisors of a training camp, they are nevertheless armed, and equipped with jars of compotes as a silencer. If they camp in broad daylight in front of his house, it is because they are planning to assassinate Marie-Hélène, who is, according to their statements to the police, a spy in the service of the Mossad. In reality, if it is targeted, it is because its activity competes with that of another business coach, member of a dissident Freemasonry lodge, who will prove to be behind these bids.

The ten or so arrests that followed throughout the year revealed that this small dispensary was involved in surveillance, beating and even murder, as was the case with Laurent Pasquali, a car pilot mysteriously disappeared in 2018. These cases notably implicating these two agents of the DGSE, a specialist in private security, a former commander of the DCRI (now the general direction of internal security) as well as the “venerable master” of the Masonic lodge, which unearthed the contracts among its acquaintances always according to the words of the protagonists during their interrogations, related by The Parisian.

One of these contracts was the assassination of Hassan, a CGT unionist from Ain close to the Yellow Vests in 2019, whom the business manager would have judged ” embarrassing “According to France 3 regions. « We have a guy who keeps pissing us off and we can’t fire. Sometimes I would like to beat him up, what can bother us’ “, Would have declared Muriel M., the head of company, before fixing a contract on the head of the worker with a value of 75 000 euros.

If this all sounds like a bad second-party-night entertainment scenario, what this affair reveals is the violent and die-hard nature of the bosses to impose their will on companies. If the assassination of Marie-Hélène Dini, like that of Hassan, were prevented, it is only a combination of circumstances. The competition for one and the employers’ dictatorship for the other were reasons for putting a price on their heads. Proof, if there was still needed, of the violence imposed by the system which places companies at the heart of life.

Hired killer or not, it is the workers who are first and foremost the victims of this violence. Workers like Hassan who try to raise their heads and on whom the employers’ repression falls, which, this time, does not take the form of a dismissal or disciplinary talks, but of an assassination attempt . While the so-called violence of the Yellow Vests, Air France strikers tearing off the shirt of their HRD, is decried, judged and condemned by the media, that which workers experience on a daily basis as well as their repression when they dare to rebel is passed over in silence while the employers go so far as to employ hired killers to silence them.

What also makes this affair so striking is the central place played in it by a branch of Freemasonry, the object of all speculation. Although this organization feeds all kinds of fantasies and conspiracy theories, it constitutes nothing more than a composite whole which remains an instrument in the service of the maintenance of bourgeois order, even in its most degenerate forms. . Masonic lodges only contain individuals steeped in universalist spirit, who sometimes maintain links with certain political leaders around a common interest: the maintenance of the state of affairs by establishing a network of influence sometimes useful for politicians.

In short, this affair clearly reveals the violent and reactionary character of the system put in place by the employers and their allies to subdue the workers. It also highlights its decrepit state, with the employment of barbouzes who could just as easily be in the service of the State, to go so far as to physically liquidate the workers. A news item which despite its ridiculous aspect is more chilling than funny, but which reminds us of the growing need to end once and for all with the capitalist system, the bourgeoisie and all its agents.

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