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Clashes No Green Pass, Lamorgese: “I reject accusations of strategy of tension”

The accusation of a strategy of tension “is unacceptable. It insinuates the doubt that the police forces lend themselves to being an instrument of obscure political purposes. It is an unjust accusation that casts unacceptable shadows on the police who paid on 9 October the price of 41 injured in facing the troublemakers intent on attacking the headquarters of the institutions “.

It is the day of judgment for Luciana Lamorgese in Parliament, invested – after the disastrous management of public order in Rome that allowed the assault on the CGIL headquarters – yesterday also by the criticisms for the hard hand used to remove the sit in front at the port of Trieste. It is the day when, from the opposition benches, the umpteenth trip to the overall management of the Interior Ministry starts from immigration to public order. And even Matteo Salvini, his predecessor, from the majority benches in the Senate re-proposes his heavy attack on Lamorgese: “I have not heard a word of self-criticism. Only a discharge of responsibility on who is under. If I had been a minister I think about how they would have the friends of the Democratic Party reacted. That delinquent (Giuliano Castellino, ed) should not have been in the square. Why did you leave him with us? . It’s a shame, if you can’t isolate 20 idiots it means you can’t do your job. ” Then the heaviest accusation: “Does it seem normal to you to have allowed a political demonstration and authorized the use of tear gas and fire hydrants at open urns? Not even in Chile, not even in Venezuela. called the blue helmets. Good work, minister, if you start to be a minister who until now we have not noticed “.

And the minister, ready to reconstruct the background of the demonstrations against the Green Pass in Rome, Milan and Trieste, warns: “It is a protest with a challenging character intent on not stopping. A protest that threatened every area, bringing out new subjects from protect and new sensitive objectives to protect. We cannot in any way let our guard down, we will keep the utmost attention to ensure that the national tranquility is not disturbed. I guarantee, in my responsibility as Minister of the Interior, that the free manifestation of the dissent and the protection of the fundamental rights of citizens “.

“I renew my solidarity with the CGIL and my closeness to the police forces”. Applause. Thus began in the Chamber of the Chamber the urgent information from the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, on the clashes that took place in Rome on the occasion of the demonstration against the green pass, with the assault on the headquarters of the CGIL. The owner of the Interior Ministry also reports on the unrest in Trieste resulting from the unauthorized strike of the dockers. “In the immediacy of the facts, I asked the chief of police for a detailed reconstruction of the evident criticalities which, it must be acknowledged, marked the management of public order during those hours. to which the violent part of the demonstrators was moved, especially those instigated by more politicized elements “, he explains Lamorgese underlining “the security deficit caused by the situation which has exceeded all reasonable predictions” and which must not “repeat itself”.

“The Rome initiative has seen, as is well known, a heterogeneous participation of groups both from the radical right and the antagonist left and also of ordinary citizens. A number of people between 10 and 12 thousand people. underestimation of the event also due to communication defects, for example the organizers of the demonstration in giving notice had foreseen about a thousand people – continues the minister – The public force has made available about 840 effective units to be considered adequate with respect to forecast estimates. There was no lack of checks at the motorway toll booths “.

“It’s your fault”, they shout at her from the right-hand desks. “Enough!”; “Shame”. The minister was interrupted several times during her speech. The president is forced to intervene Roberto I am which invites the deputies of Fdi to let the owner of the Interior Ministry speak, blocked by buzzes and protests calling to order Federico Mollicone e Andrea Delmastro. In Montecitorio, sitting between Debora Serracchiani and Enrico Borghi, there is Enrico Letta with the red tie. The secretary of the Democratic Party returns to the Chamber that he had left as a deputy, after the year at Palazzo Chigi, in July 2015.

Then Lamorgese responds to the accusations that have been launched in recent days by the leaders of the Lega and Fdi. “I must strongly reject this reading” of the strategy of the voltage, “because it, in addition to not taking into account the succession of events, insinuates the doubt that the police forces, to whom we owe the defense of institutions and the maintenance of social peace, lend themselves to being an instrument of obscure political purposes. ‘unjust accusation – continues the owner of the Interior Ministry – which casts an unacceptable shadow on the work of the police, who in the demonstration of last October 9 paid a tribute of 41 wounded, also to face the troublemakers intending to attack institutional offices “. Words, those of Lamorgese, welcomed by the applause of the hemicycle.

Could Giuliano Castellino have been stopped earlier? How is it possible that the Forza Nuova leader was in Piazza del Popolo despite the many prescriptions against him? To these disputes, Luciana Lamorgese replies as follows: “It should be clarified that the special surveillance regime to which Castellino is subjected allows him to participate in demonstrations. And with Castellino the police spoke with the aim of gaining time to reorganize the structures of the forces. police “.

Forza Nuova but not only. From the reconstruction of the riots of last Saturday’s demonstration in Milan, the Minister of the Interior lights up the light also on the anarchists who led the square. And also in Trieste – underlined Lamorgese – “in moments of greatest tension the danger of degeneration of public order was envisaged and the use of hydrants and tear gas was necessary”. The decision to proceed with the evacuation of gate 4 of the port of Trieste – the minister reconstructed – had been decided on Sunday afternoon during an extraordinary committee for public order and safety convened by the prefect after the garrison, despite the obvious illegitimacy of the strike – had prevented 700 heavy vehicles from unloading and loading goods “.

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