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Clash between Charles Barkley and Stephen Jackson!

Long praised for his fight following the death of his friend George Floyd and his fight against racism, Stephen Jackson has attracted more reproaches lately after a big skid. The latter did not escape Charles Barkley, who unwittingly engaged in a clash with the former NBA player!

Very touched by the murder of George Floyd a few weeks ago as a good friend, Stephen Jackson quickly became one of the figures of the massive fight waged in the United States against racism and discrimination. The former champion with the Spurs has multiplied media appearances and declarations, often saying strong words.

However, this tendency to grapple with political correctness finally earned him the headlines for a hell of a road trip. He indeed came to support American football star DeSean Jackson, by approving his remarks … of an anti-Semitic nature. Refusing to apologize, he logically attracted many criticisms from the same people who glorified him recently.

Among them: Charles Barkley. The consultant of TNT deplored this common slippage on the part of the two men in the program “The Steam Room”, and tried to recall the message carried by the Black Lives Matter cause.

Guys, what are you doing? You all want racial equality. We all want it. I do not understand how insulting another group helps our cause. As Kareem (Abdul-Jabbar) put it well, black people cannot be allowed to be prejudiced too.

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Especially when white people are asked to respect us, to offer us economic opportunities, etc. If you want respect, you have to give it, and I don’t see how you can overcome hate with hate.

Comments which certainly did not please the main interested party, who quickly reacted via his Instagram account with an inflammatory message.

Charles Barkley, talk about what you know. You don’t know what you’re talking about there. I know what I said. Don’t you dare say my name again. I don’t care what you think. I’m with real people, people who really suffer.

I care about my people. So remember that, Charles Barkley: I don’t give a damn about what you think. I will continue to do what I do for the people who support me, for the people who stand up with me while you are twiddling your thumbs on TV. You all drunk me. Save the same energy for when we meet.

With such a reaction, and this clash in the process of being born with Charles Barkley, Stephen Jackson is not likely to improve his image already well tarnished.

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