Myriam Nardelli invites you to participate in the open Zhineng Qigong class that she will teach this Friday, November 1 at 3:00 p.m., at the Pueblo Unidos Club of Avellaneda, located at Lavalle 23.
ZHINENG QIGONG or “INTELLIGENT ENERGY”, approximate translation of the characters zhi which means intelligence and neng capacity.
This qigong system preserves health and prevents degenerative diseases. Furthermore, as its name indicates, it develops intelligence and refines the mental faculties of the practitioner.
The zhineng qigong method is characterized in its first level of practice by connecting the energy of the practitioner’s internal body with the energy of the outside world. With this, it manages to form an integrated and coherent whole: man and nature, interior and exterior. The induction of the mind together with the execution of a series of very simple movements releases internal qi to the outside. An absorption of external qi is generated that flows inward and permeates meridians and internal organs.
Zhineng Qigong created by Dr. Pang Ming in 1980, Zhineng Qigong is a method that synthesizes Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian practices with foundations of Western and traditional Chinese medicine. It is estimated that this qigong system is currently practiced by more than 10 million people around the world.
Dr Pang Ming who practiced martial arts since childhood with different teachers. He graduated in conventional medicine from Beijing University in 1958. He later continued his training in traditional Chinese medicine. He is the author of 9 books in which he explains the theories of the energy field, the unity of consciousness and the hunyuan totality. He was also the founder of the Zhineng Qigong Training and Recovery Center in Huaxia, a city located east of Beijing. The center was called “Drug-Free Hospital” since the patients were students and only trained the Zhineng Qigong method for 24 days. More than 300,000 people with various pathologies practiced this qigong therapy and obtained surprising results.
Key concepts
Huyuanqi: is the qi of the universe in an undifferentiated state.
Energy field: it is the fusion of internal and external energy.
External Huyuanqi: Through mental induction assisted by a series of extension movements, the internal qi is released outward and connects with the huyuanqi of the outside world. This process forms an energy field. Then a symbiosis occurs that exchanges information about the form and non-form of energy. Subsequently, through mental induction assisted by a series of relaxation movements, the qi of the energy field moves into the body.
Internal Huyuanqi: the mind increases determination and intention. And consequently the ability to induce qi to any part of the body. It is the union of qi inside the body.
Central Huyuanqi: The mind consolidates a central column of qi within the body that unifies the rest of the qi.
Reports: 1135957753
Ig: internal.alchemical.consciousness
FB: Myriam Nardelli