Home » today » Business » Clamorous exclusion also of Ita from air continuity: ban canceled, no planes, Sardinians on the ground

Clamorous exclusion also of Ita from air continuity: ban canceled, no planes, Sardinians on the ground

Nothing like it had ever been seen. Never, in 22 years of air continuity laboriously conquered by Sardinia to be able to move to Rome and Milan without being plucked and blackmailed, had there been zero airplanes and zero tickets 7 days after the expiry of the current tender. The Region, after excluding Volotea, also excluded Ita in the afternoon due to lack of requirements. In practice, Volotea had not sent the identity card of the owner of the company, while Ita does not own the planes. Or at least, not in sufficient quantity to guarantee the minimum marriages of Sardinians towards the peninsula. The result is that the call, which was supposed to cover the 7 months from 15 October to 15 May, worth 37 million euros, has been canceled. And that the Sardinians from 15 October will not be able to leave the island. And that buying a ticket is impossible, because there is no airline that, at the moment, can transport Sardinians over the sea.

The Northern League commissioner Giorgio Todde, owner of Transport, says that now we are going to the negotiation procedure. It means that a private negotiation will start with 12 companies in the hope of hiring one. But the real drama is that we have come to this point. With a non-existent maritime continuity and an expired air: a situation that is unprecedented and that risks creating enormous damage not only economic but also to the image of Sardinia.

The chorus of criticisms and condemnations from all over the trade union economic world was unanimous. “The Region of Sardinia is in a desperate condition due to its immobility and its irresponsibility and inadequacy, having waited as per established practice, the last few days to prepare a so-called emergency call, which is such only due to the inertia of the region, as the handover from Alitalia to Ita had been known for over a year ”, says the regional councilor of the 5 Stars, Roberto Li Gioi. Confindustria speaks of “increasingly dramatic outlines”, underlining that the situation opens up unacceptable prospects for the economy and for the entire Sardinian society. After years of emergency management, characterized by postponements, extensions and last-minute adjustments, we have reached a condition of confusion and total uncertainty that further marginalizes Sardinia, already severely tested by decades of economic crisis and the recent health crisis ” . The CGIL is no longer tender, which speaks of “a disaster from all points of view, the consequences of which the Sardinians are suffering. The numerous appeals made by us for the Region to activate a discussion table with the social partners who, as always, would have given a contribution of ideas and proposals aimed at the good of the entire island, did not help. And 7 extensions were not enough to find a solution but, for the umpteenth time, the right to mobility is hanging on a technicality and some documents not presented ”, urges Filt CGil secretary Arnaldo Boeddu.

A dangerous stalemate, in short, which pushes the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party Romina Mura, Andrea Frailis and Gavino Manca to a sensational proposal: that the government take over the responsibilities on territorial continuity. “The risk of remaining prisoners on our island is becoming more concrete every hour: we are in an absurd, very serious and unprecedented situation, so we ask Minister Giovannini to take over the functions assigned to the Region of Sardinia, guaranteeing that Sardinians do not the right to mobility and air links with the continent is torn ”, say the parliamentarians. “While Solinas was running to confirm loyalty to Salvini – the dem parliamentarians continue – the ban on aerial territorial continuity was wrecked. At this point it must be definitively acknowledged that the Solinas junta is not only unable to guarantee the most important needs of the Sardinians but not even to bear the responsibilities connected with our regional autonomy, of which we are proud but which – they conclude – every day is weakened and trampled “.

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