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Claiming to be a wounded soldier, he blocked hospital admission to collect a debt

(PLO) – Mr. Ngoc and many people claiming to be wounded soldiers took 32 motorcycles to block the exit to gate number 3 of the Central Acupuncture Hospital, Hanoi.

The Dong Da District Police Department, Hanoi City, has decided to prosecute the case, prosecute the accused and the defendant Le Vu Ngoc (aka “Say Ngoc”, 64 years old, the stay in Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi) , to explore on the offense of disturbing public order.

According to the investigation, at the end of August 2023, the defendant Ngoc together with several people identified themselves wounded soldiersis continuously collected at Huong Sen Company Limited (address 44 Thinh Quang Street, Thai Thinh, Dong Da) with the purpose of applying pressure to collect debts.

This group used a tricycle to block the entrance to gate number 3 of the Central Acupuncture Hospital – the general entrance to the Care Centre. Cheers Huong Sen then sat or lied in the corridor area, obstructing entry and exit, cursing, causing fear to the staff and patients of the Huong Sen Center.

Mr. Ngoc and many people claiming he was a wounded soldier we took a motorcycle to the hospital gate to cause trouble.

In particular, on September 9, 2023, the defendant Ngoc and many people who claimed to be wounded soldiers took 32 heavy bikes to block the exit to gate number 3 of the Central Acupuncture Hospital . Ngoc left the three-wheeled vehicle blocking the way, then drank alcohol, cursed at passers-by, and threatened ambulance drivers when they were transporting patients through ​this way.

When the authorities cooperated with security guards to move the tricycle, defendant Ngoc did not surrender but also called a group of people standing outside the gate of the -entrance to continue blocking the road, stressing Ngoc’s ability to move a tricycle.

Then, the defendant Ngoc was lying on the road, blocking the way to prevent vehicles from moving through, challenging anyone who wanted to go beyond Ngoc.

When an ambulance arrived to take the patient to the emergency room, Ngoc and the group of people above were still blocking the vehicle, forcing the authorities to intervene. to come and help before the ambulance could move.

Currently, the Dong Da District Police continues to investigate and treat those involved strictly according to the law.

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