Jakarta –
The government regulates PNS working hours during the fasting month Ramadan 1444 Hijri. The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) has issued regulations regarding working hours for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the month of Ramadan 1444 Hijriah.
The rules regarding working hours are contained in the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of PANRB No. 06/2023 which was signed by the Minister of PANRB Abdullah Azwar Anas on Friday (20/03).
In the SE of the Minister of PANBR, it was stated that effective working hours for central and regional government agencies carrying out five or six working days during the month of Ramadan 1444 H fulfill a minimum of 32.5 hours in one week.
For government agencies that apply five working days, working hours during the month of Ramadan will be 08.00-15.00 Monday to Thursday, and rest hours will be from 12.00-12.30. As for Friday, working hours are 08.00-15.30 with breaks at 11.30-12.30.
Meanwhile for government agencies that apply six working days, working hours will be 08.00-14.00 Monday to Thursday and Saturday, with breaks from 12.00-12.30. As for Friday, ASN working hours are 08.00-14.00, with breaks at 11.30-12.30.
Beyond that, it was also stated that the Personnel Development Officer (PPK) in government agencies can make decisions related to the implementation of working hours in the month of Ramadan 1444 H in their agency environment by adjusting the time zone of each region.
Details of Civil Servant Working Hours During Ramadan Fasting 1444 H
For Government Agencies that apply five working days, the working hours are:
1. Monday-Thursday: 08.00-15.00
Break Time: 12.00-12.30
2. Friday: 08.00-15.30
Break Time: 11.30-12.30
For Government Agencies that apply 6 six working days:
1. Monday to Thursday, and Saturday: 08.00-14.00
Break Time: 12.00-12.30
2. Friday: 08.00-14.30
Break Time: 11.30-12.30
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