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Civil Security Team Strengthens Training to Respond to Extreme Weather with Participation of Chain Saw Operators and Flood Rescuers

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2023-12-26 HKT 09:19

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In response to global climate change and the increasing chances of severe or abnormal weather in Hong Kong, the Civil Security Corps has strengthened training in dealing with extreme weather in recent years, including training more than 200 chain saw operators this year. Currently, more than 800 team members know how to operate chain saws. Assist with clearing fallen trees.

The Civil Security Brigade has also trained about 70 flood rescuers this year. Zhao Rutai, senior operations and training officer of the Government Civil Aid Service, said that the work of flood rescuers includes evacuating residents affected by flooding, and relevant training includes how to operate rubber boats.

The Civil Security Brigade arranged for nearly 100 members to participate in the training on riptide rescue, fire-fighting and rescue techniques at the Fire and Ambulance Training Academy to strengthen their knowledge of rescue operations. Among them, Chiu Ru-tai, who has been in the service for 23 years and was recently awarded the annual commendation certificate by the Secretary for the Civil Service, said that good training also requires hardware support, so the Civil Security Team has added rescue equipment.

In addition, the Civil Security Corps has strengthened community publicity and education in response to extreme weather. This year, it has held eight “Emergency Public Safety Education Program” activities, with a total of nearly 1,700 people participating. Siu Po-wah, operations and training director of the Civil Aid Service, gave an example of publicity to the elderly who need to be evacuated during floods. She believes that through publicity and education, more people will know that during emergency evacuation, the most basic thing to carry is the “three treasures of survival”, namely keys, wallet, phone and charger.

2023-12-26 01:19:00
#Civil #Security #Brigade #steps #training #deal #extreme #weather #participation #chain #operators #flood #rescuers #RTHK

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