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Civil Protection Bulletin May 27, today’s data on Coronavirus. The tables

Rome, 27 May 2020 – Il bulletin of the Civil protection today is a reminder to keep our attention high on the Coronavirus in Italy. Today’s data, in fact, mark a rise in the new cases in Italy, +584 (65% in Lombardy), with a return to the levels of 4 days ago, for a total of 231,139 infected people. The number of deaths also increased, 117, half of which in Lombardy. To record, however, also several good news: eight regions, including Marche and Umbria, had no casualties. And comforting updates also come from Trapani where is it for 28 days there has not been in the whole province no case of contagion.

Today’s data of the Civil Protection

I’m 584 the new cases in Italy of Coronavirus: a greater increase than the one (+397) recorded yesterday which makes it rise to 231139 the number of total cases. The ratio between swabs made in the last 24 hours (67,324. Yesterday were 57,674) and cases identified is of one infected every 115.3 tests, almost the 0.87%, on average over the past few days. Yesterday the ratio was 0.68%, the absolute minimum. I’m 117 the victims in the last 24 hours, this too is a figure that has gone up since yesterday’s 78, the lowest level since March 2. In Lombardy alone, 58 were recorded on the last day, half of the national figure, while yesterday there were just 22. The deaths at national level thus rose to 33,072. The pressure on hospitals continues to ease: they are 505 patients hospitalized in intensive care, 16 less than yesterday (Tuesday had been 20); there are 7,729 patients hospitalized with symptoms, with a drop of 188 compared to yesterday, while those in home isolation are 42,732, with a drop of 1,772 compared to yesterday. THE healed are 147,101, an increase of 2,443. Eight regions – Marche, Abruzzo, Umbria, Sardinia, Valle d’Aosta, Calabria, Molise, Basilicata – and the Province of Bolzano without new victims.


In Lombardy today 216 new coronavirus positives have been recorded 58 deaths. Numbers on the rise compared to yesterday, which bring the total number of cases to 87,801 and that of the dead to 15,954. The number of currently positive patients is down by 440 (24,037), while 766 (47,810) have been discharged / recovered and 12,503 (697,561 in total) carried out. This is the picture drawn by the daily data on the coronavirus epidemic, provided by the Lombardy Region. To the new registered cases, 168 swabs carried out following serological tests made on the initiative of individual citizens tried by the ATS of Bergamo in the last seven days must be added. Yesterday there were 159 positive cases and 22 deaths.

Emilia Romagna

The decline in the epidemic trend continues significantly Emilia Romagna: in the last 24 hours, according to data released by the Region, there have been 16 new cases (compared to 3,714 swabs) and seven deaths (two in Reggio Emilia and Bologna and one in Ferrara, Ravenna and Piacenza). There are 157 new healings (19,546 in total), while active cases continue to decline, that is, the number of actual patients who have now fallen to 3,998 (-148). Intensive care patients are 78 (-2). Also those hospitalized in the other Covid wards decreased to 459 (-34).

Covid, the data of the Regions

The article continues after the tables

Province by province

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