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Civic Coalition overtook Poland by 2050. Kantar survey for “Fakt” TVN and TVN24

In a telephone survey conducted by Kantar on July 9-11, respondents were asked which party they would vote for.

29 percent of respondents replied that they would vote for the United Right (PiS, Alliance, Solidarna Polska). This is a percentage point lower compared to Kantar party poll for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24 in June.

24 percent of respondents indicated the Civic Coalition. This is 5 percentage points higher than in our previous party poll. Thus, the Civic Coalition took second place, ahead of Poland by 2050 Szymon Hołownia.

15 percent of the respondents said that they would support Szymon Hołownia’s Poland 2050 in the elections. This is 6 percentage points lower than in our previous party poll. Thus, Poland 2050 by Szymon Hołownia fell to the third place.

On July 3, former Prime Minister Donald Tusk became acting chairman of the Civic Platform after Borys Budka resigned as chairman.

7 percent of respondents would vote for the Confederation of Freedom and Independence. This is a percentage point less than in our previous poll. The same result in the latest survey was taken by the Left (SLD, Spring, Party Together) – 7 percent. This is a percentage point more than in our previous poll.

3 percent of respondents indicated the option “Polish Coalition – Polish People’s Party”. This is a percentage point lower than in our previous study.

1 percent of respondents indicated Kukiz’15. It was the same in the previous poll.

13 percent of respondents chose the “I don’t know hard to say refusal” option.

Full results of the survey for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24:

Law and Justice / Agreement / Solidarna Polska – 29 percent (a decrease of 1 percentage point compared to Kantar party poll for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24 in June),

Civic Coalition (PO, Nowoczesna, Polish Initiative, Greens) – 24 percent (increase by 5 pp.),

Poland 2050 by Szymon Hołownia – 15 percent (decrease by 6 pp.),

Confederation of Freedom and Independence – 7 percent (decrease by 1 pp.),

Left (SLD, Spring, Together) – 7 percent (increase by 1 pp.),

Polish Coalition – Polish People’s Party – 3 percent (decrease by 1 pp.),

Kukiz’15 – 1 percent (no change),

Inside – 1 percent,

I don’t know / hard to say / refusal to answer – 13 percent (increase by 2 pp.).

The latest telephone survey was carried out by Kantar on July 9-11, 2021 on a nationwide, representative sample of 1,000 people over 18 years of age. The question “Please tell me which party would you vote for?” 583 people were asked.

See more polls for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24

Author: fil / Source: Facts in the afternoon TVN24

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