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City to redouble efforts to improve protection for cyclists from 2022

New York will create 400 km of additional protected cycle paths (illustration). – Anthony Behar / Sipa USA / SIPA

A New York, 25
cyclists were killed this year. To improve their protection but also to make the traffic of buses more fluid, the city has decided to redouble its efforts by investing $ 1.7 billion from 2022.

On Wednesday, the city council adopted by a large majority a plan providing for the creation of some 400 km of additional protected cycle paths over five years. Because if the city already has 2,000 km of cycle paths, only about 200 km are today protected by barriers.

Measures after the departure of Bill de Blasio

The plan also includes improving the flow of buses and introducing priority traffic lights at some 1,000 key intersections. “New York has proven today that it is one of the most progressive cities in the country,” said City Council Chairman, Democrat Corey Johnson, who initiated the plan and who could soon run for mayor. the first American metropolis.

The start date 2022 for the entry into force of these measures, which will require strengthening the resources of the municipal transport service, is the result of a compromise with the mayor. Bill de Blasio : it is on this date that he should leave his post, after two consecutive terms. Many expect, however, that this ten-year plan, the funding of which remains to be specified, will be highly criticized as traffic is already difficult in New York.

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