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City police officers are also preparing for the 53rd Barum Czech Rally Zlín

In this context, the Zlín City Police has taken special security measures. This will interfere with the normal performance of the service as early as Wednesday, August 14, and will last until Sunday, August 18, 2024. Traditionally, the arrival of a large number of world-class competitors is expected, combined with an extraordinary number of spectators.

MP Zlín will therefore deploy 50 constables for individual partial measures during this year’s Barum Rally, who will together with police officers from the Republic Police take care of safety in the streets of our city.

“Just like in previous years, this year we also launched an information line for the public. On the phone number 778 400 300 we are ready to provide not only Barum rally spectators with basic information related to this motor competition and safety”the director of MP Zlín, Milan Kladníček, said.

MP Zlín expects the greatest impact during Friday’s special stage (RZ) in the city center, which will attract thousands of sports fans to the streets and bring significant changes in the organization of traffic, both on the roads and on the railway. The best way to get to the Jižní Svahy housing estate between 4:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. is by car along the embankment from the local part of Prštná or along Mezilesí street from the PHM Shell gas station in Vršava. After alternate routes public transport lines will also be run. Bus station closure will traditionally force the relocation of the station of regular buses, which will depart from Hradská Street from 3:00 p.m.

Individual patrols of the MP Zlín and the republican police will be located practically along the entire route of this RZ, but at the same time, there will be no weakening of the standard performance of the service in other parts of the city.

The Zlín City Police invites all fans of motor sportswho come to watch individual special stages, to familiarize themselves with safety recommendationsunreservedly obeyed the instructions of the organizers and they took care to protect their life, health and property. All spectators of the competition do so at their own risk, so it is primarily in their interest to comply with the above.

The city police of Zlín further urges spectators to watch the race they respected the legitimate interests of other subjects and did not enter private land or buildings without their permission. In previous years, cases were recorded when some fellow citizens were able to climb nearby buildings in order to get a better view. However, it is necessary to realize that, for example, the canopy above the entrance is not designed for the load of standing persons, who exposed not only themselves, but also fellow citizens standing around to such a serious danger. Also parents of children should have a proper overview of their children’s movements and activities.

Motorized fans should also arrive at individual racetracks well in advance and preferably use public transport. There will be very few parking spaces not only in the city center, but police officers of the MP Zlín will not tolerate parking in places where the passage of IZS and public transport vehicles would be restricted. Among the very problematic sections in the past were the streets in the Letná quarter, it will not be possible to park vehicles even in the closed turning lane on Tomáše Bata avenue above the Pod Kaštany market, which serves as a boarding area for IZS and public transport vehicles before the end of the city traffic stop.

MP Zlín, in cooperation with the trade department of the Zlín Municipality, will focus on random checks of sellers who offer various goods (especially refreshments) at the time of this event, whether they have all the necessary permits for the occupation of public space and the sale of alcoholic beverages.

“From our experience, we know that the spectator-attractive RZ in Zlín and its vicinity have been widely visited in the past, and we assume that this will continue to be the case this year. Therefore, we ask all arriving spectators to arrive on time and to obey the organizers’ instructions without reservation”added director Kladníček in conclusion.

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