✔️ New workshop building / construction loan / 2nd reading → Documents
- This is what it is about: The city of Wil is planning a new workshop. The new building on St.Gallerstrasse will combine the workshop and the city gardening department under one roof. This will create synergies between the two areas. The current location does not have the space required to meet all of the tasks. The city council applied to the city parliament for a gross loan of CHF 25.5 million for the new building. The city parliament unanimously approved the loan in the first reading on June 27, 2024.
- This was decided: There was no further discussion about the business. The city parliament approved a construction loan of 25.9 million francs for the new construction of the depot (39 yes/1 no). It thus decided to include the costs for the planned photovoltaic system in the construction loan. The Wil electorate is expected to vote on the loan in November 2024.
❌ Revision of the compensation model of the Technical Operations Wil → Documents
- This is what it is about: The city council is requesting that the city parliament revise the TBW compensation model. The revised model takes into account the current legal basis and the changing economic situation of the technical operations. The new definition is not the distribution of profits, but the creation of reserves. The proposed model can cushion the financial requirements and prevent TBW from becoming indebted in the future.
- This was decided: Due to the discussion in the preparatory committee, the city council decided to withdraw the matter before the parliamentary session. A motion by Daniel Gerber (FDP) to remove the matter from the agenda was then approved by the city parliament with the necessary two-thirds majority (31 yes/9 no). The matter was not discussed further.
✔️ Legacy of Gertrud M. Hefti / Residential and commercial building, Marktgasse 36, Wil, property no. 787W → Documents
- This is what it is about: A residential and commercial building at Marktgasse 36 is being bequeathed to the city of Wil. According to the municipal regulations, a resolution from the city parliament is required for this bequest to be accepted. The property is in relatively good structural condition, but external expertise is required to examine possible future uses. The city council is therefore simultaneously applying for a loan of 60,000 francs.
- This was decided: Most of the parties spoke out in favor of accepting the inheritance. Only the FDP advocated rejection. The building had safety-related defects and was a financial risk. The city parliament agreed to accept the inheritance (31 yes/9 no). The loan for the external expertise was controversial. The city parliament ultimately followed the proposal of the center party to reduce the loan to 20,000 francs (24 yes/16 no).
✔️ Pilot project family center St. Peterstrasse 2 → Documents
- This is what it is about: The city council is requesting an annual loan of CHF 205,800 from the city parliament for the pilot operation of the St. Peterstrasse family center for five years. In addition to operation and maintenance, the loan also includes a 50% position for operations management. The family center will provide parents with the opportunity to socialize with people in similar life situations and low-threshold access to counseling services.
- This was decided: The discussion showed that the majority of the parties agreed with the family center. The SVP and parts of the FDP spoke out against it, arguing that a family center was not the city’s responsibility. The city parliament approved the loan for the family center pilot project (27 yes/11 no/2 abstentions).
✔️ Motion Meret Grob (GRÜNE prowil) – Free public transport for pupils / Declaration of significance → Documents
- This is what it is about: With a motion, Meret Grob (GREEN prowil) and 9 co-signatories invited the city council to submit a report and proposal to parliament for the introduction of a free public transport service for Wil schoolchildren. The city council requested that the motion be declared insignificant. According to the legal requirements at federal and cantonal level, public transport is generally subject to a fee for users. It also doubts that the goals of the motion – decarbonization of transport and switching to public transport – could be achieved with this measure.
- This was decided: Due to the negative response from the city council, Meret Grob changed the wording of her motion. Public transport should cost 1 franc per day for schoolchildren. In addition, the city council should negotiate with the transport companies about a cost share. The city parliament declared the motion significant with this modified wording.
☹️ Interpellation by Dora Luginbühl (SP) – School space planning – Are there really only options A and B? → Documents
- This is what it is about: Dora Luginbühl (SP) and eleven co-signatories asked the city council to answer five questions about school space planning. In particular, they wanted to know whether the city council considered the Sonnenhof location suitable for a primary school and Rudenzburg for a senior school. In its response, the city council wrote that it was important to avoid further delays in school space planning so that the upcoming projects could be implemented within a reasonable time frame. For this reason, it decided not to examine the variants of a Sonnenhof primary school unit and a Rudenzburg senior school.
- This is how the debate went: The questioner was not satisfied with the city council’s response.
😐 Interpellation Meret Grob (GREEN prowil) – What does the ECHR ruling on the climate seniors’ lawsuit mean for the city of Wil? → Documents
- This is what it is about: In an interpellation, Meret Grob (GREEN prowil) and eleven co-signatories wanted to know from the city council what the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights on the lawsuit brought by the climate seniors means for the city of Wil. In its response, the city council wrote that the ECHR ruling does not currently require the city of Wil to take action. However, all those involved are making great efforts to achieve the climate goals in accordance with the municipal climate program.
- This is how the debate went: The questioner was partially satisfied with the city council’s response.
☹️ Interpellation Andreas Hüssy (SVP) – Necessary separation between city council and Hof zu Wil Foundation → Documents
- This is what it is about: Andreas Hüssy (SVP) and five co-signatories wanted answers from the city council to questions about the personal union between the city’s presidency and the Hof zu Wil Foundation. The city has a significant political, financial and strategic interest in the Hof zu Wil, the city council wrote in its response. Therefore, the member responsible for cultural matters should take a seat on the foundation board. This is also provided for in the foundation charter. From the city council’s point of view, the advantages of such an engagement clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
- This is how the debate went: The questioner was not satisfied with the city council’s response.
🙂 Interpellation Mathias Schlegel (SP) – More support for parents, children and young people → Documents
- This is what it is about: In an interpellation, Mathias Schlegel (SP) and ten co-signatories called on the city council to answer five questions about support services in schools, in the pre-school sector and in social work. In its response, the city council wrote that it was aware of the increasing challenges in the early years and at primary school level. Measures such as classroom assistance or counseling services were already being implemented, and others were being examined. The city council was also prepared to allocate the necessary resources if required.
- This is how the debate went: The questioner was satisfied with the city council’s response.
40 of 40 members were present at the meeting.
Parliament President Christoph Hürsch closed the session at 8 p.m.
The documents for the parliamentary session can be found here. The entire debate can be here be checked.