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City of Salzburg – Mayor Auinger: “On November 10th, the S-Link will be voted on de facto”

Financing currently only secured up to Mirabellplatz – City will provide pros and cons in its own information campaign – And wants to have the issue examined legally

“I am the directly elected mayor of Salzburg. My job is to represent the interests of the city. Therefore, I say about the now published campaign and question for the citizen survey on November 10th: The S-Link will de facto be voted on. It is surprising that other projects such as the Stiegl and Messebahn were included in the question. We want to have this examined legally,” said city manager Bernhard Auinger on Thursday, August 8th, 2024.

Salzburg’s mayor makes it clear: “To date, the financing of the S-Link project has only been secured up to Mirabellplatz. For everything beyond that, there are neither cost estimates nor payment agreements between the city, state and federal government. And without a cost cap for the city, I will not sign it anyway.”

Neutrale Info-Offensive

As announced, the city will present the pros and cons of the project in a neutral manner in its own information campaign: “We are deliberately doing this following the Swiss model, in a purely factual manner with a ‘voting booklet’. An external agency creates the content independently. Emotional images and classic advertising are deliberately avoided.”

The aim is to enable citizens to make an informed and sensible decision.

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