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City of Mank – www.mank.at – Citizen service with a future – Home – Subsites – Mank Active – About us

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In Mank, the corona numbers are currently falling – as of Monday, March 29, 7 active cases were recorded. The 7-day incidence is currently only 61.9. The file for download (found at the end of the report) shows the course of the active cases and the incidences – there was a clear increase in March, which has weakened in the last few days.

BGM Martin Leonhardsberger is in constant contact with the Melk district office – “In the current situation, maintaining distance, wearing the FFP2 mask and regular testing are extremely important.” This is also emphasized by District Administrator Norbert Haselsteiner, who is busy processing the cases with his entire team. When processing the cases, unnamed contact persons are repeatedly found.

The Manker test center has proven to be extremely successful. In the past few weeks, around 250 tests were carried out per appointment, and the number has now risen to 300 tests – and there are always positive cases. At the last appointment last Monday, 360 tests were counted. “Thank you to all the volunteers who support us here,” said Leonhardsberger.

New vaccination appointments again from Wednesday:

Next Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., sufficient vaccination appointments will be available specifically for people aged 65 or over for online booking. These vaccination appointments will remain reserved for a few days exclusively for the over-65 age group, so that all people in this group who want to be vaccinated can book an appointment without any time pressure.

To book an appointment, click on www.impfung.at/termin. There you can book your appointments for the 1st and 2nd partial vaccination online.

All information on vaccination sequence and vaccination, as well as frequently asked questions and answers, can be found online at www.impfung.at
Please refrain from askingas this puts a strain on the capacities of doctors and vaccination centers and can lead to delays in the process.

If you have any problems booking a vaccination appointment, please contact Mank Town Hall on 02755/2282.

Corona Dashboard:

Corona numbers – diagram (538 KB) – .PDF


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