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“City does not adjust rent for new season”

In the lion survey 3.0, TSV Munich from 1860 GmbH & Co. KGaA takes a deep look. The conditions for the Sechzger Stadium will not be adjusted, and there would be no negotiations with the city.

“Will the city of Munich already adjust the costs for the tenants for the coming season?” lion magazine already in March 2022. The answer is probably “no”. At least that’s what fans can read from the current survey.

“The conditions in the Sechzger stadium are unusual at around 1.5 million,” says TSV 1860 Munich in one of the questions. “There is currently no better economic alternative. The public has the image that there are negotiations between the city and TSV 1860, unfortunately this is not the case. The conditions had not been adjusted for the new season by the state capital despite the “involvement of all decision-makers, many discussions and multiple explanations of the arguments”.

The question to the fans: “How should TSV 1860 Munich behave?”

Screenshot Löwenumfrage 3.0

Unusual additional costs

Higher costs for VIP at the training ground

A converted stadium should primarily bring VIP seats and boxes. The lions could earn significantly more with this. At the moment, TSV 1860 has to accommodate its VIP guests at the training ground. That costs money. Rent, additional toilets and last but not least the bus shuttle. TSV 1860 Munich loses around 100.00 euros compared to its competitors. There is no VIP area in the stadium, but the stadium management must be booked as well. These are additional costs per season.

Higher cost of electronic gang

Of course, TSV 1860 has to serve its sponsors with advertising boards. This is currently particularly expensive in the Grünwalder Stadium. The electronic gang costs between 50,000 and 60,000 euros more than ordinary gangs. Why? The city of Munich cannot ensure sufficient power supply in the stadium. That’s why you have to use rechargeable batteries. A complete madness that the city of Munich should counteract as soon as possible, if only for ecological reasons.

The Grünwalder stadium also lacks an LED display panel. That could certainly bring in between 30,000 and 50,000 euros in additional income. Such a scoreboard will probably be created in the area of ​​the east stand when the stadium is being renovated. However, the lions are currently at a disadvantage compared to the competition in terms of advertising opportunities. In addition, the city has awarded the marketing rights in the Grünwald stadium to the provider Ströer. Here, too, it is difficult for the tenant to earn money.

Higher costs for combined ticket

TSV 1860 Munich pays twice as much to use local public transport as comparable competitors. So about 2 euros per ticket. The CSU therefore recently suggested an adjustment “of the club’s share in the combination ticket for the Grünwalder Stadium”. 250,000 euros more per season compared to other clubs. Money that is missing in the end. The question: will the CSU application be included in the new stadium plans or will you react immediately? The Grünwalder stadium is currently less attractive for the tenant and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

Higher catering costs

TSV 1860 Munich pays per spectator. However, he will not be involved in the catering. With 15,000 fans, a lot comes together. It is not known whether there is a solution for the time after the stadium renovation. But TSV is already in a much worse position than some competitors who are at least involved in the catering.

There will probably be solutions with the conversion of the Grünwalder stadium. To what extent remains to be seen. But the lions are already said to be paying between 1.5 and 1.7 million euros more per season than comparable competitors.

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