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City cycling in Darmstadt will begin shortly

  • fromJonas Nonnenmann

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In Darmstadt, city cycling starts on May 26th. Researchers want to use the action to gain insights into bike routes.

The city of Darmstadt participates again in nationwide city cycling.

This year the campaign will take place in Darmstadt from May 26th to June 15th. Due to the corona restrictions, there is no major kick-off event, unlike in previous years.

“Especially those who now work in the home office should take the opportunity to cover the way by bike,” says Environment Director Barbara Akdeniz (Greens). Cycling is an important contribution to the change in mobility, but it also means quality of life and helps to remain physically and mentally fit – “all the more in times of closed sports facilities”.


Questions viaE-mail to [email protected] or at 0 61 51/13 32 85. Further information at www.stadtradeln.de and www.movebis.org

Last year in Darmstadt, over 1,400 cyclists had covered a total of more than 285,000 kilometers, saving around 41 tons of carbon dioxide – a new urban record. This year, participants in the campaign can record the routes covered by bike using the city bike app via GPS and thus make it available to the Movebis research project.

Movebis summarizes the collected traffic data anonymously and makes them available to the city of Darmstadt in the form of maps that show how many cyclists are on which routes. This should help to plan and build bike paths.

At the end of city cycling, the most active individual cyclists, teams and schools are awarded prizes.

Cities in competition

In the end, Germany’s most “bike-active” city will also be honored. As always, the registration and entry of the cycled kilometers can be found on the campaign website at http://www.stadtradeln.de/darmstadt. jon

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