“Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education needs to find quality suppliers”
Kim Na-yoon, member of Gwangju City Council
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It was pointed out that the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education’s lunch support project for elementary school care classes during vacation is inadequate.
Gwangju City Council member Kim Na-yoon (Democratic Party of Korea, Buk-gu 6) said in an administrative audit of the Gwangju City Office of Education on the 4th, “The care and lunch support project during vacation was used by 6,071 students from 152 schools, but there are only 12 suppliers formed by the Office of Education.” “Even in this situation, the four schools that do not have a nearby company provide lunch through their own contracts, and it is physically difficult for a small number of companies to cover many schools,” he claimed.
As a result of Rep. Kim’s analysis of the administrative audit data submitted by the city office of education, 6 out of 16 companies, including the schools themselves, signed contracts with 91 schools to supply lunch, which is 60% of the total 152 schools. corresponds to
Rep. Kim said, “It is difficult for companies with poor delivery to deliver high-quality lunch boxes to children because they use agencies or are unable to meet the delivery time. What is more problematic is that although the Office of Education has proposed conditions for delivery of consignment lunch boxes, they are not followed in frontline schools. He pointed out, “There are concerns that the quality of care work will deteriorate as the work will be completely transferred to care workers.”
As conditions for delivery, the Office of Education requires submission of a menu table for at least one month, transport by vehicle, collection of leftover food and food waste disposal costs covered by the company, and notification of allergenic food menu information. However, at school sites, delivery conditions are not properly followed, so unnecessary work is increasing, such as caregivers urging students to provide menu information or taking food waste home because leftover food is not disposed of.
Assemblyman Kim said, “Out of the 16 consignment lunch box companies, 5 have received HACCP certification. In order to provide safe food, the Office of Education needs to be more active in discovering quality suppliers,” and added, “We need to provide diet appropriate for lower elementary school students and provide safe food.” He emphasized, “In order to provide food, thorough management of implementation of delivery conditions must be accompanied.”
Reporter Kang Seong-su of the Honam Reporting Headquarters [email protected]
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