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City council wants sailing ban on Groningen deep

All political parties in the Groningen city council want a sailing ban on the Groningen waters, including the deep ring. The parties want to promote ice formation in Groningen, so that skating can be done on the ice.

There are already sailing bans in various places in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Friesland. The municipality of Groningen announced on Sunday afternoon that it did not want to do this, partly because of the frost period before that would be too short.

Don’t wait too long

‘The longer we wait, the smaller the chance that good skating ice will form,’ says D66 councilor Jim Lo-A-Njoe.

‘Climate change makes these kinds of winters rare. It would be a shame if we miss out on a beautiful ice rink. If the ice floor is broken again in the beginning, you will miss precious days’, says Femke Folkerts (GroenLinks).

Last ice cream in 2012

‘The deep ring froze for the last time in 2012. People skated and walked fully over the deep ring’, write GroenLinks, PvdA, D66, SP, VVD, ChristenUnie, Party for the Animals, CDA, Stadspartij, 100% Groningen, Student & City and PVV.

‘We think it would be great if we can experience that again. That would give it a place in the hearts of thousands of Groningers this winter and that is exactly what people can use now, ‘concludes Gerben Brandsema (ChristenUnie).

Also read:
No sailing ban on Groninger deepens: ‘Frost period too short’
Skating on the Groninger deep ring (2012)
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