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City council elects Miriam Koch and Britta Zur as deputies


Düsseldorf. At its meeting on Thursday, April 7th, the council of the state capital Düsseldorf elected Britta Zur as deputy for sport and citizen services and Miriam Koch, also with a large majority, as deputy for culture and integration. Both are elected for eight years and should take up their official duties as soon as possible.

Britta Zur – Alderman for Sport and Citizen Services
Britta Zur has been chief of police in Gelsenkirchen since the end of 2019 and is therefore at the head of an authority with 1,700 employees. Before that, she worked in the Düsseldorf judiciary for twelve years – first as a judge, then as a head of department, and most recently from 2009 as a public prosecutor and spokesperson for the Düsseldorf public prosecutor’s office. The native of Düsseldorf (two children) studied law at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn and completed her legal clerkship at the Krefeld District Court.

Lord Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller: “Britta Zur already has experience in managing an authority that provides services for citizens. Nevertheless, by moving to a city administration, she brings an outside perspective with her. In this way, it can provide important new impetus for the further development and expansion of citizen services.”

Miriam Koch – Alderman for Culture and Integration
Miriam Koch has been the head of the Office for Migration and Integration since January 2018. Before that, she was the first refugee officer in the state capital of Düsseldorf for three years. Born in Hamelin (two children), she completed her studies in librarianship at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and was then head of the German research reports department at the university library.

2004 move into politics, first as office manager of the parliamentary group leader of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament, later also there as a research assistant. From January 2010 to February 2015, Miriam Koch was the parliamentary group manager of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the state capital of Düsseldorf.

Lord Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller: “I’ve been working with them for a long time
Miriam Koch and appreciate her level-headed and at the same time hands-on manner. In the two major refugee crises that she has had to overcome so far, she has often had to create consensus between very different people and groups. All these are very positive qualities and experiences that will certainly be very useful in their new field of activity.”

To sue

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