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City Council and Community ask for prudence in the celebration of the League

The acting counselor of Justice, Interior and Victims of the Community, Enrique Lopez, and the Security and Emergencies delegate and spokesperson for the Madrid City Council, Inmaculada Sanz, They have asked the Madrilenians for prudence and responsibility in the celebration of the Football League title this Saturday, which are playing Atlético de Madrid and the Real Madrid.

After the signing of the renewal of the agreement between the Madrid City Council and the regional government for the integration of the municipal SAMUR-Civil Protection in the management model and attention of emergency calls of the Madrid 112 regional Security and Emergencies Agency (ASEM 112 ), both have urged to avoid crowds on Saturday.

For this, there is a security device made up of a total of 600 National Police officers and 130 Municipal Police who will be attentive to possible celebrations in the squares of Neptuno Y Cibeles.

López recalled that “the pandemic continues” and people continue to die in hospitals, for which he has expressed that “This is not the time to celebrate”, but to “be responsible” and has appealed to the “individual responsibility” of fans and clubs.

Along these lines, the municipal government spokesperson has made a “special appeal for prudence, for calm”, since “it is materially impossible” to put a local police officer to monitor each of the fans, and has insisted that “ the pandemic is not over yet ”, for what it has encouraged to celebrate, as far as possible, “at home”

Regarding the possibility of celebrations and concentrations taking place in the squares or on the terraces of the capital and the rest of the region, the regional councilor recalled that there are capacity limitations in the establishments as well as safety distances that must be respected.

Thus, the head of Security of the Madrid City Council has recognized that “it is materially impossible” to put a local police officer to monitor each of the fans who want to celebrate the title, so she has reiterated her call for individual prudence and to celebrate, as far as possible, “at home.”

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