“Currently, there are around sixty”, indicates Yvan Nosbé, municipal councilor of the City responsible for the Citizen Reserve, the municipal protection plan and the fight against road violence. Last year, Reserve volunteers were mobilized for a total of 200 days. Everyone can participate in up to 15 days of assistance alongside the firefighters, the Red Cross or the municipal police. The objective? “Free emergency services from time-consuming and unspecialized tasks, where there is no longer any immediate danger,” specifies the elected official. The volunteers are trained in first aid, but there is no question of replacing the specialized trades. “They will not be on the front line. Upstream, there are the firefighters, the Red Cross, and the reservists intervene in support, not for care missions, but rather to guide and help people”explains Yvan Nosbé.
2024-02-29 09:37:31
#Montpellier #Citizen #Reserve #open #year #olds #fair #balance #bring #wisdom #physical #Hérault #Tribune