Photo (Source: Bamberg District Office, Frank Förtsch)
from left to right: Dr. Christian Lorenz (Head of Education Office District Office), District Administrator Johann Kalb, Lord Mayor Andreas Starke and Dr. Matthias Pfeuffer (Head of Education Office City of Bamberg) are happy about the award.
The challenges of the modern world are multi-layered and complex, as became evident even before the corona pandemic began. It is becoming increasingly clear how important digital networking is. This also applies increasingly to schools and lessons, which are experiencing rapid digital change. The city and district of Bamberg were awarded a digital education region by the Bavarian Ministry of Culture in October. The aim now is to further expand digitization in the area of education in the region.
State Secretary for Culture Anna Stolz emphasizes in her video message about the award of the seal: “Our educational regions connect people of all generations. They create tailor-made educational offers on site, strengthen educational and participation opportunities in the region and bring together everyone who is committed to education. “
In their application, the education offices of the city and district have collected and prepared exemplary, already existing structures and projects in the field of digital education. These range from the Lagarde 1 digital start-up center to model projects at (vocational) schools and the “Digital Monument Technologies” course at the Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg. Further pioneering projects as well as outlooks on the diverse development opportunities were bundled for the application and thus laid the basis for the further development of the digital educational region.
District Administrator Johann Kalb and Lord Mayor Andreas Starke are happy about the joint award and emphasize: “The current circumstances make it more than clear to us how important digital education is. The Bamberg region already offers opportunities for participation in a wide range of educational offers. The seal is a mandate for all of us not to let up in our efforts. “
In the run-up to the award of the seal, the education offices, together with the Bamberg filmmaker and media educator Lennart Peters, shot an image video that advertises and submits the shared digital education region www .bil dungs re gi on -bam berg .de can be accessed. The actors in the film, including Ute Schmid from the University of Bamberg, the Burgebrach elementary school and the BackSpace association, with their commitment to digital education symbolize the great potential of the region.
The “Digital Educational Regions” are a further development of the “Educational Regions in Bavaria” initiative. The Bavarian educational regions can and should use their existing regional networks and structures in order to focus more on digital education in a future-oriented manner. The educational region Bamberg has successfully embarked on this path and can work together on the further development of digital education with the award.