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Citizenship referendum, request to reduce the period of continuous residence required to become Italian from 10 to 5 years

ROMABee ActionAid Italy welcomes the start of the collection of signatures to reduce, through the holding of an abrogative referendum, from 10 to 5 years the period of continuous residence required to obtain Italian citizenship. This step can represent an extraordinary opportunity to recognize the rights of those who live in Italy, actively participate in our society and want to be recognized as full citizens.

There have been numerous initiatives for years. The commitment of ActionAid for citizenship reform has its roots in a long history of support and mobilization. In recent years, the organization has promoted numerous initiatives to raise public awareness and institutions on the need for a law that reflects the multicultural reality of our country. From support for young people born and raised in Italy but deprived of fundamental rights, to campaigns aimed at changing the bureaucratic and legislative barriers to acquiring citizenship, ActionAid worked on the front lines, appealing to politics and civil society for lasting and inclusive change.

A possible first goal. The reduction of the period of residence can be a first, important goal, and can open the way to a broader debate and a comprehensive review of the legislation for a future in which Italian citizenship becomes an instrument of social cohesion, rather than a bureaucratic barrier. This is why ActionAid strongly supports this initiative and invites all citizens to sign so that the referendum can be called. It is an ambitious goal but achievable through the convinced and widespread commitment of all the people who care about rights and inclusion.

Other bodies of Civil Society. The abrogative referendum is being promoted by numerous civil society organizations and parties, including the associations Italians without citizenship, CoNNGI, Idem Network, Libera, Gruppo Abele, Società della Ragione, A Buon Diritto, ARCI, ActionAid, Cittadinanza Attiva, Recosol, InOltre Alternativa progressista, InMenteItaca, Oxfam Italia. Among the parties are +Europa, Possibile, Italian Socialist Party, Italian Radicals, Communist Refoundation. For further information attivati.referendumcittadinanza.it

#Citizenship #referendum #request #reduce #period #continuous #residence #required #Italian #years
– 2024-09-11 00:55:51

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