“This morning we filed with the Supreme Court the referendum question on citizenship, which aims to return to Italy after 5 years of uninterrupted legal residence for the purpose of submitting an application for citizenship for foreign adult citizens”. This was stated by the secretary of +Europa, Richard Magiwhich this morning filed the referendum question to reduce the term of uninterrupted legal residence in Italy to become an Italian citizen from ten to five years. The question aims to repeal one of the provisions of the 1992 law without going into the merits of ius soli or ius scholae and to allow adult immigrant residents and children of foreigners to apply for and obtain citizenship after five years of permit.
Magi was accompanied in cassation by the associations “Italians without citizenship”, Conngi, Idem Network, organizations such as Libera, Gruppo Abele, A Buon Diritto, Società della Ragione, the parties +Europa, Possibile, Partito Socialista, Radicali Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista and personalities such as Mauro Palma (former National Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty), Luigi Manconi, Ivan Novelli, Simohamed Kaabour of Idem Network.
Ius scholae, Forza Italia goes straight ahead: “Law proposal by September”. Foti (FdI): “It is not a priority but a summer theme”
edited by the Politics editorial team

“We expect that those who in recent days have said they are in favor of a reform of the citizenship law will support this referendum. To the rhetoric of “Italians first”, we respond with “Italians first”. Despite the summer debate that also saw majority parties in favor of a revision of the law, we believe that the conditions are not in place in parliament for a new law and this legislature risks being yet another without tackling the rules for obtaining Italian citizenship. We are providing a concrete tool, the referendum, with the protagonism of associations of Italians without citizenship, with a very clear point: halving the time to obtain citizenship to 5 years. We are talking about 2 million and two hundred thousand foreign citizens who today would be in a position to obtain citizenship, plus their children, approximately 500 thousand girls and boys. Many more than those who would be affected by the ius scholae, approximately 500 thousand people, and by the ius soli which would concern approximately one and a half million people. A simple but also revolutionary reform”.
The campaign is called Daughters and Sons of Italy: today also present at the filing of the question Simohamed Kaabour di Idem Network, Daniela Ionita of Italians Without Citizenship, Benedict of the Widowmember of +Europa, Francesca Druetti and Pippo Civati of Possible, Enzo Maraio of Psi, Matteo Hallissey of Italian Radicals, Stefano Gallieni by Communist Refoundation, Sonny The matauthor and choreographer.
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– 2024-09-04 16:57:12