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Citizenship income, the government does not back down. The left incites protests – Il Tempo

On the Citizenship Income, the climate remains incandescent with exchanges of mutual accusations between the majority and the opposition. And on the part of the government there is no retreat on the horizon: whoever is employable will lose the subsidy, whoever needs to be supported will be helped, the firm point remains. However, the awareness is making its way that something in communication has not worked, that it is necessary to explain better and that it is not enough to stem the protests. So three days after the sending of the text messages communicating the suspension of the check to 169 thousand families, the Faqs arrived on the website of the Ministry of Labor and a circular from the INPS. And the proposal, which this weekend added more fuel to the fire, of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into controls on the Citizenship Income, branded by M5S as “institutional bullying”, also seems to have been shelved.

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Pd, Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra and Movimento 5 Stelle are asking to bring the matter to parliament, with a government report. “What has been happening in the last few hours, with the government unloading the burden of taking charge of the 169,000 families who received the text message indicating that they will no longer receive basic income from August, is unseemly for the Republican institutions”, attacked the dem Arturo Scotto, requesting a report to the Chamber. “We ask the Government – said Pd secretary Elly Schlein – to come and report as soon as possible because it is incredible not only that they have decided to wage war on the poor, but also that they have not prepared these steps in the slightest, accompanying with correct information and giving support to the support measures that need to be put in place”. The M5S calls for action “immediately to stop this social butchery”. The leader Giuseppe Conte recalled that “according to the Confesercenti study, the cut in the Citizenship Income when fully operational will also end up damaging consumption for an amount equal to 1 billion a year”. The former premier asks to convene a CDM to “provision urgently to remedy”. For Action leader Carlo Calenda, the provision was “executed poorly and communicated worse. We are in favor of limiting access to income for those without dependent children or disabled people who have the opportunity to work”, he said, reiterating that however, some corrections were needed.

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Meanwhile, the minimum wage front remains open. The Chamber could vote on Thursday on the 60-day suspension requested by the center-right last week. After Prime Minister Meloni’s opening, no appointment has yet been set with the leaders of the opposition and it is unlikely that the meeting can be held before the summer break. “A willingness only to chat”, for the Democratic Party which, regardless of how the work in Parliament will go, is preparing a political initiative for the next few weeks that will keep attention high. In the face of criticism Meloni, returning from the mission in the United States, goes straight: in an interview with American TV Fox News he replies that “the only way I can respond is with results”.

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