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Citizens vote today on Hamburg’s MSC deal | NDR.de – News

Status: 04.09.2024 10:26 a.m.

The Hamburg Parliament will today make its final decision on the controversial entry of the world’s largest shipping company, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), into Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA). The coalition of the SPD and the Greens wants to push through the controversial deal in the second and final reading with its two-thirds majority.

The Senate wants to bring MSC on board with the Hamburg port operator in order to stabilize container handling. The city is to hold 50.1 percent of the company and MSC 49.9 percent. The city previously owned around 70 percent, the rest was in free float – this share of the shares could therefore be traded freely on the stock exchange. In return, MSC wants to increase its cargo volume at the HHLA terminals from next year and almost double it to one million standard containers per year by 2031. The Swiss shipping company also wants to build a new German headquarters in Hamburg and, together with the city, increase HHLA’s equity by 450 million euros.

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The debates in the Hamburg Parliament will be broadcast live from the plenary session on the Internet. The sessions will begin at 1:30 p.m.

Dock workers see jobs in danger

The ver.di union, dock workers and many experts have spoken out against the deal. Today there is another warning strike at HHLA, which the ver.di union called for. Just last weekend, around 1,000 dock workers demonstrated against the partial sale of HHLA under the slogan “Our port, not your casino”. They fear that jobs will be cut and working conditions will deteriorate after MSC enters the port. Critics see jobs not only at HHLA at risk, but also at other port companies such as the overall port operation and the lashing companies.

More information

Who are HHLA and MSC? What does Hamburg hope to achieve by selling municipal shares to the shipping company? What concerns are there? more

Opposition united against MSC entry

At the At the first reading in the state parliament shortly before the summer break, the opposition from the CDU to the AfD and the Left Party unanimously rejected the deal. The Left Party’s port policy spokesman, Norbert Hackbusch, spoke of a subjugation of the city. As the largest shipping company in the world, MSC has enormous power. Christian Dürr, leader of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag, told NDR that the port deal was a serious mistake. The competition is already withdrawing cargo from Hamburg.

Hamburg port deal also concerns EU Commission

Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) defends the deal, saying he believes it is a smart decision. After all, MSC has committed to bringing more cargo to Hamburg and investing in the Hanseatic city. After the citizens’ assembly, the EU Commission must still decide on the Hamburg port deal. The timing of this is still unclear, however.

More information

Handling at the port operator’s terminals is currently suspended. The background to the 24-hour strike is, among other things, the MSC deal. more

The Hamburg Parliament will vote on Wednesday on the partial sale of the port operator HHLA. Many people took to the streets again to protest. (31.08.2024) more

The Hamburg Parliament will soon vote on the partial sale of the port operator HHLA. There is also resistance to the Senate’s plans in the SPD. (28.08.2024) more

The Port of Hamburg continues to slip in the global rankings. According to industry service Alphaliner, the Hanseatic city currently ranks 23rd. (27.08.2024) more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 04.09.2024 | 06:00 a.m.

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