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Citizens require Parks and Gardens to maintain El Chamizal

By Luis Villagrana | 3:13 pm 19 mayo, 2021

Members of the Front in Defense from El Chamizal went to the Parks and Gardens Directorate to deliver a request form in which they demand that the federal public park be kept in good condition.

In the morning, the activists gathered in the area known as Los Hoyos. They dedicated themselves to supplying water to the trees and shrubs, planted on Sunday, May 16.

María Antonieta Ríos, member, clarified in the document that maintaining the site well involves watering, fertilizing, watching out for diseases and pruning the trees.

“Also the constant reforestation of the 333 hectares that make up El Chamizal, together with the annex of the Bertha Chiu sports corridor, better known as Los Hoyos,” he added.

He indicated that the officials of this municipal agency have the obligation to monitor the health status of the green infrastructure, which includes newly planted trees..

They demand to finish reforesting El Chamizal

“We demand that a drip irrigation system be installed for the plants recently placed in the Holes, for their survival, in three sections, cacti, agaves and semi-desert trees,” he added.

He said that the municipal government must complete the reforestation of all areas in which vegetation cover is required. The objective is to be able to have adequate oxygen production and carbon dioxide uptake.

The activists demanded to stop the construction of more concrete slabs in the park’s facilities, which prevents the capture of rainwater.

“EThis type of construction puts migratory and resident birds at risk, which are a natural, national and global asset. In addition, it violates the right to biodiversity”, He indicated.

He emphasized that the water from the Rio Grande and others that are within the municipality, are connected to each other. Therefore, they must exploit them rationally and with the consensus of the population.

The three levels of Government must stop the privatization of public spaces, such as El Chamizal and Parque Centraladded.

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