Nela Drescher, deputy leader of the parliamentary group “Citizens for Ludwigshafen”.
Photo via faction
Ludwigshafen – The “Citizens for Ludwigshafen” faction has submitted an application to Mayor Jutta Steinruck (SPD) for the next city council meeting on January 30, 2023. In it, the city is asked to refrain from “gendering”.
The deputy leader of the parliamentary group, Nela Drescher (61, non-party), said: “With our application we want to achieve that the city administration completely dispenses with the so-called “gender”.
“Gender” means the use of an asterisk (“gender star”), underscore (“gender gap”), colon or other abbreviated forms to indicate multi-gender designations in the middle of a word. Instead, the city council should use the generic masculine noun.
Examples: Instead of “citizens”, “employees” or “municipal officials”, the grammatically correct terms citizens, employees and municipal officials should be used.
“This regulation is to be applied to all correspondence (internal and external) as well as to the entire external presentation (e.g. publications) of the city administration. Existing employee instructions/service instructions from the city administration should be adjusted accordingly,” according to the application.
According to the two-strong parliamentary group, the German language – like all other languages – has developed over many millennia. Changes to languages would always be shaped by majorities in society. However, the introduction of gender spelling and language in various areas of life is not a “natural” development, but a purely politically driven disfigurement of the German language.
“The goal and purpose should be equal treatment of all genders, which can never be achieved by a forced change of language. Numerous surveys on the subject of gender have shown that the clear majority of society rejects gender,” said Drescher.
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