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Citizen’s club assault, protesters “stop violence”…Myanmar military loophole

“Stop acts of violence”

It is a warning from the military to protesters in Myanmar. This is the first online press conference held since the military took power through a coup.

On the 15th, Myanmar police are hitting a citizen with a club at a protest site in Mandalay. [트위터 @haylwin3 제공]

– According to the Reuters news agency on the 16th (local time), Myanmar military spokesman Jo Min Toon held a press conference via live social media (SNS) and claimed that “a policeman injured in the protesters’ attack was finally killed.”

He stressed that the protesters were inciting violence. “The protesters are interfering with the affairs of officials with a radical response,” he said. “The Supreme Commander Min Aung Hlaing still wants peace.” “We will wait patiently, but we will follow legal action after that,” he threatened.

Myanmar military spokesman Jo Min Tun is holding a live news conference on social media on the 16th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Myanmar military spokesman Jo Min Tun is holding a live news conference on social media on the 16th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

But There was a loophole in the military’s argument. No specific evidence was presented. Since the authenticity is unknown, even local government media are not reporting additional reports. This is why criticism is pouring out that the military is trying to pass the responsibility for the confusion caused by the protests to the citizens.

At the actual protest scene, the injured people continue to appear after the military suppression. Earlier, the military mobilized water cannons and tear gas to disperse the protesters, and finally fired. On the 9th, a woman in the capital Naepido was shot by a police officer and died of brain death, and on the 15th, she fired a slingshot and wounded dozens of people. In Mandalay, Myanmar’s second city, a group of civilians was caught wielding a club.

On the night of the 15th, a flare gun was fired at a golf course in Tanlin, a suburb of Yangon, a metropolitan city in Myanmar.  Protesters

On the night of the 15th, a flare gun was fired at a golf course in Tanlin, a suburb of Yangon, a metropolitan city in Myanmar. Protesters claim that “the flare gun is an equipment that the general public cannot have,” and that it was fired by the military side. [트위터 @seona897501 제공]

On the night of the 14th and 15th, the Internet was blocked. Citizens claim that the military is hijacking anti-coup and protesters after blocking the Internet. Suspicions have also been raised that the prisoners were released after ordering to divide the protesters.

A military sniper found at the Sedona Hotel near the scene of a protest held in Yangon, Myanmar on the morning of the 16th. [@ZarmaniZN 트윗 캡처]

A military sniper found at the Sedona Hotel near the scene of a protest held in Yangon, Myanmar on the morning of the 16th. [@ZarmaniZN 트윗 캡처]

Spokesman Cho Min-Thun repeated the words “Healthy State” to the state adviser of Aung San Suu Kyi who was detained. In addition, the first trial, scheduled to be held on the 17th, replied, “I will follow the constitution.”

However, it is unclear whether advisor Suzy will be tried as scheduled. The military has extended the house arrest period for advisor Suzy, which was scheduled until the 15th, by two days. It was reported that the suspicion of violating the Natural Disaster Management Act was added to adviser Suzy on that day. The Associated Press reported on the 13th that there is a possibility of long-term detention, as the military has neutralized the provisions of the law prohibiting detention for more than 24 hours.

State advisor Aung San Suu Kyi's detention expires on the 17th, but it is highly likely to be detained for a long time due to additional charges of violating the Natural Disaster Management Act, the Associated Press reported. [AFP=연합뉴스]

State advisor Aung San Suu Kyi’s detention expires on the 17th, but it is highly likely to be detained for a long time due to additional charges of violating the Natural Disaster Management Act, the Associated Press reported. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]

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