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Citizen Security suggests that San Fermín music be avoided in bars

Cut. Without really knowing what to answer. So it stayed Irene Cuevas when he asked a waiter from a bar on Calle San Nicolás If she could put on a song from San Fermín to “spice up” the lunch that she and her friends were about to try. The answer, categorical: no.

Since Citizen security the concilor Javier Labairu confirmed the suggestion. “We have recommended not to play music that can encourage clients to hang out with other groups. However, it is a choice that belongs to the bar itself. We give more importance to windows and doors that remain closed ”. However, the recommendation did not reach all the locals. A few meters ahead, the chords of the bars Kaixo and San Gregorio belonged to the soundtrack of the peñas de San Fermín.

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