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Ciro Gómez Leyva on Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller’s controversial tweet

Beatriz Gutierrez Müller, wife of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, celebrated that two years ago, “citizens achieved the unthinkable: truly democratic elections,” referring to López Obrador’s victory in the 2018 elections.

“Two years ago, citizens – who are the true guardians of democracy – achieved the unthinkable: truly democratic elections,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

In this tweet, Internet user José David Guerra Muñoz commented: “When will you personally attend to the parents of children with cancer.”

What Gutiérrez Müller He replied: “I am not a doctor, maybe you are. Come on, help them. “

Twitter @BeatrizGMuller

Commenting on this tweet, the journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, in his newscast “In the morning” on Radio Fórmula, stated: “What a rude response.”

After the response of Gutiérrez Müller, on Twitter became a trend “not first lady”, as a rejection of his words.

It should be remembered that parents of children with cancer have reported that the shortage of oncological drugs continues in the country, despite having held various meetings in the Secretaries of Health and the Interior.

“We hereby make a strong appeal to the different levels of the government, health officials, so that they promptly and timely supply the different oncological medications to the hospitals and our children can continue with their cancer treatments. Otherwise, the lives of our minors will continue to be put at risk, ”they stated a few days ago.

Responden to Gutiérrez Müller

Israel Rivas, the father of a girl with cancer, responded to Beatriz Gutierrez Müller; “It should be more empathetic and humane,” she said.

“We understand that Mrs. Beatriz Gutierrez Müller He does not have any position, that he is not a doctor, but he should be more empathetic and humane in his response to a father of a child with cancer, “he expressed through a message sent to” In the morning. “

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