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Circulatory Problems During Period: Here’s What You Can Do

A large number of women experience circulatory problems during their period. Symptoms include dizziness and weakness. The reason for this is the falling iron content. We explain to you what you can do about the complaints.

Relieve circulatory problems during your period

Circulatory problems are bothersome and keep you from enjoying your day-to-day life every few weeks. You should therefore try to get your circulation going by, for example, drinking a lot or exercising in the fresh air. If the circulatory problems become so severe that you interfere with them in everyday life and you sometimes pass out, you should definitely consult your doctor.

  • If you are not too tired, get some fresh air. Take a short walk in the park or to the nearest ice cream parlor. The exercise and the fresh air will get your circulation going again. Regular exercise prevents circulatory problems. However, if the symptoms are severe, you should be accompanied.
  • Alternating showers are also helpful. Stand in the shower and alternate hot and cold water. The rapid temperature difference will enlarge your blood vessels and stimulate your circulation. Start with the cold water on your feet and slowly move it up your body. Then do the same with the warm water, alternately.
  • Increasing fluids is especially important for your health. Take one and a half to two liters of water a day, especially if you suffer from circulatory problems. This crowd also recommends the German Nutrition Society (DGE).
  • Take extra iron to make up for the loss. Eat red meat, green vegetables like spinach or broccoli.
  • You can also use the medicinal plant chasteberry to support you. This plant counteracts many menstrual cramps. The plant inhibits the release of the prolactin hormone. Monk’s pepper thus regulates the hormonal balance.

Signs of circulatory problems during your period

Circulatory problems are a nuisance for most women, especially before, but also during their period. Other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are abdominal cramps, mood swings and pimples.

  • Circulatory problems include general tiredness and lack of energy. You feel tired and exhausted despite getting enough sleep.
  • This can also often lead to difficulty concentrating properly.
  • In addition, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite appear as symptoms of circulatory problems during and before menstruation. You should see a doctor, especially if you have dizziness.
  • You may also lose the color of your face and start sweating on your neck.

Causes of Circulatory Problems

There are usually several causes for these circulatory problems. On the one hand, the loss of iron causes a balance disorder in the female circulation. During menstruation, the body loses blood and, with it, iron. This leads to a slight undersupply of the tissue with oxygen.

  • This in turn encourages the heart to pump faster in order to guarantee the body enough blood. The cycle is overwhelmed and therefore flattens out.
  • Young and very slim women are particularly often affected by this circulatory problem. Women who lose a lot of menstrual blood also often suffer from circulatory problems.
  • In addition, water retention is a reason for circulatory problems. These help to reduce the volume of fluid in the blood, as the excess fluid is increasingly deposited in the tissues. The blood then flows more slowly and is thick. This also has a negative effect on the circulatory system.

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