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circulation of the virus decreases, hospitalizations increase

We saw him climb, climb, climb. Inexorably climb. For the past few days, the 7th wave of Covid-19 finally seems to be coming down.

In the space of a short week, the incidence rates have thus fallen: -11.02% in Haute-Loire, -11.77% in Jura, -15.94% in Loire, -22, 31% in Ain and -25.77% in Rhône.

However, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants remains at the same level as last spring.

But, apart from the Rhône (1002.37 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), all the other departments fell below the 1,000 mark: 912.70 per 100,000 inhabitants in Ain, 932.61/100,000 in the Jura, 977.79/100,000 in the Loire and 994.17/100,000 in Haute-Loire.

An encouraging trend that needs to be confirmed.

Complicated when the relaxation of barrier gestures is now a daily achievement; and that the movements of populations intensify with departures on vacation, festivals, celebrations… the happiness of returning to a certain normality.

Admittedly, we see the masks emerging on the faces of users of public transport, planes, coaches, trains… But still in too small quantities to contain potential contamination.

Nearly 100 additional hospitalizations

Because, despite progress on the disease, infections still lead to hospitalizations. Slowly, these are currently increasing across our departments: +94 people in one week (+17 in Ain, +19 in Jura and +65 in Rhône). Only Loire and Haute-Loire experienced a slight drop: -2 and -5 respectively.

The situation is still far from tense. But in the middle of summer, with holidays, absenteeism and teams exhausted by more than 2 years of crisis, it should not get worse.

Fortunately, for the moment, the number of people in intensive care has stabilized at 41 patients: 2 in Ain, 2 in Jura, 10 in Loire, 4 in Haute-Loire and 23 in Rhône.

And if the contaminations continue to subside, we should logically witness, with a two-week lag, a drop in these hospital treatments.

The coming weeks will therefore be decisive. Because if the BA.5 sub-variant of Omicron has less serious consequences, it remains particularly contagious. And it would take little for the machine to repack.

A fortiori with the appearance of new sub-variants which could prove to be much more virulent and resistant.

Recalls are on the rise

More than ever, the return to barrier gestures (not imposed but applied individually and responsibly) is of fundamental importance for summer weeks and a more serene return to school.

The same goes for the recall campaign for the elderly and frail.

After months of stagnation, the injection of a fourth dose in these populations has started to rise again. One more protection that is far from negligible.

Because the Covid-19 always kills. In one week, forty people lost their lives in our departments (4 in Ain, 7 in Loire, 6 in Haute-Loire and 23 in Rhône).

To date, the coronavirus has killed 7852 individuals in our region.

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