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Circulating Photos of the Alleged Suicide Bombing of the Makassar Cathedral Church, Police said

MAKASSAR, KOMPAS.com – A photo of the alleged suicide bomber in front Makassar Cathedral Church, South Sulawesi, Sunday (28/3/2021) spread on social media.

In the photo, a man wearing a brown jacket and turban is seen driving a motorbike and hitching a ride on a woman.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol E Zulpan confirmed the photo.

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However, he said that currently his party was still conducting deepening.

“Still in depth,” said Zulpan to Kompas.com via short message, Monday (29/3/2021).

Zulpan said the suspected perpetrator had previously broken into the church but was prevented by the security forces.

“So that it does not get inside because it is prevented from entering,” he added.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said there were two suspected suicide bombers in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church.

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The two suicide bombers were a man and a woman. The perpetrator of the male suicide bomber has been identified, namely the initials L.

Meanwhile, the female suicide bomber is still in the process of being identified by the South Sulawesi Police Biddokkes team.

The two suicide bombers were part of a network of the South Sulawesi Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group, whose members were arrested in January at the Villa Mutiara Cluster Biru Housing, Makassar.

“So they (the perpetrators) were part of the disclosure some time ago about 20 members of the JAD group, they were part of it. We have matched the initials and data (initial L),” said Listyo Sigit at the Makassar Cathedral, Sunday (28 / 3/2021).

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