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Circuit of Reims-Gueux. End of photo stops in front of the old stands

Pit stops at the Reims-Gueux circuit, it’s over! As of Friday, March 11, 2022, it will no longer be possible to stop or park along the mythical stands and the grandstand of the Champagne route. This place, classified as a Historic Monument since 2009, is a must for all car enthusiasts and attracts many people every weekend… Too much even for the taste of the municipality.

It will no longer be possible to park along the stands of the Gueux circuit from March 11, 2022.

Limit the risk of accidents

Circuit reims beggar stands straight line
The long straight of the D27 is the scene of major speeding.

It is the town hall of Gueux (51) which is at the origin of this decree. The town of around 1,600 inhabitants fears the accidents that could occur in the event of heavy traffic. « It is our duty to take precautions “, explains an elected official. Indeed, since the end of confinement, sunny weekends have attracted up to several hundred people to the edges of the road. Unsupervised gatherings, which give rise to dangerous behavior. It is not uncommon to see excessive speeding on this portion of the D27. In addition, the neighboring municipalities also deplore the noise pollution linked to the groupings. Panels along the departmental will bloom in multiples to materialize the prohibition to stop and park.

Prohibition parking beggar circuit

Signs prohibiting parking will be placed at several locations on the secondary road.

Tourists penalized

Circuit de Gueux stopped parking
According to the Friends of the Circuit de Gueux association, tourists will be penalized by this measure…
Circuit Gueux grand prix stands
… who will no longer be able to stop and take pictures in front of this place steeped in history.

– Contacted by us, the association of Friends of the Circuit de Gueux (ACG) regrets the decision taken by the town hall. ” It is occasional visitors and tourists who will be penalized “, explains Jean-François Prevot, one of the representatives of the association. And despite proposals from the CAG intended to avoid such punishment, the order was finally issued. However, the association finds the implementation of the latter understandable, because it mainly targets certain motorists, traveling to the circuit mainly for its long three-kilometre straight. From now on, only gatherings supervised by the association Friends of the Circuit de Gueux will benefit from an exception for parking. Beware of fines, because the police will ensure that this new provision is respected.

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