Home » News » Cipali Toll Road Experiences Slight Traffic Jam Towards Jakarta Due to Rest Area Congestion

Cipali Toll Road Experiences Slight Traffic Jam Towards Jakarta Due to Rest Area Congestion


The flow of vehicle traffic on the Cipali Toll Road towards Jakarta experienced a slight jam in the early hours of this morning. The congestion was caused by a queue of vehicles entering the rest area and several vehicles stopping on the shoulder of the road.

The NTMC Polri call center officer, Dian, said that vehicle traffic on the Cipali Toll Road heading for Jakarta was stagnant at several points. Among them are near the Rest Area Km 86 B and Rest Area Km 208 B.

“For density only at a few points, this is close to the rest area or the queue to enter the rest area. For rest areas where there are queues to enter this rest area we monitor it at Km 86, to be precise at Rest Area 86 B towards Jakarta. Then at Km 208 B there is also queues enter the rest area. And there are several vehicles that stop and rest on the shoulder of the road,” Dian said when contacted at around 03.00 WIB, Saturday (29/4/2023).

“That is the reason for the density of the Cipali Toll Road,” he added.

Even though vehicle traffic was stagnant at the two points, Dian said that in general the movement of vehicles on the Cipali Toll Road was still quite flowing. Dian ensured that there would be no total traffic jam due to the large number of vehicles crossing the Cipali Toll Road tonight.

“So in general for the Cipali Toll Road, we see that there is still movement, only there is a stagnation approaching the rest area and there are also several vehicles stopping on the shoulder of the road. That is what causes a slight delay on the Cipali Toll Road,” he said.

Dian said the traffic flow was smooth when it entered the Cikampek Toll Road area. “After that, the direction of Cikampek was smooth,” he added.


2023-04-28 20:20:09

#Queue #Enter #Rest #Area #86Km #Traffic #Cipali #Toll #Road #Jakarta #Congested

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