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Cinque Terre, first Parliament approval for Lorenzo Viviani as new Park president – VDA News

Rome, 22 Oct. (askanews) – Parliament’s first green light on the nomination of biologist Lorenzo Viviani as the new president of the Cinque Terre National Park. At the end of almost two hours of hearings first in Montecitorio and then in Palazzo Madama, the Senate Environment Commission gave a favorable opinion on his appointment proposed by the Minister of the Environment Pichetto Fratin: eleven yes from all the commissioners present from the majority, while the opposition did not take part in the vote. The definitive parliamentary confirmation of the nomination has been set for tomorrow, with the vote by the Chamber’s Environment Committee. Once this has been received, the nomination, probably already next week, will return to the signature of the minister for definitive entry into office

In the presentation to the parliamentary commissions of the guidelines of his program for the present and future of the Cinque Terre, Viviani indicated as a priority the protection, defense and safety of the very fragile territory and coasts, increase in the quality standard of the water with recovery of waste, policies to relaunch and support local fishing and agriculture, management of the phenomenon of overtourism which characterizes the Cinque Terre without a priori excluding the use of tax leverage but with the mandatory condition of constraint of its destination for the exclusive benefit of the territory itself and its essential services to be redeveloped.

Lorenzo Viviani, marine biologist from La Spezia – Ismea councilor and member of the Cipess public investment evaluation and verification unit – close to 42 years old, belongs to one of the most deeply rooted fishing families in the province of La Spezia. Behind him he also has a recent past as a deputy on the benches of the League in the 2018-2022 legislature (which consecrated him in the news from the Roman palaces as “the first fisherman deputy” in republican history) – he will succeed in the leadership of the Cinque Terre Park at the Rai journalist Donatella Bianchi, presenter of “Linea Blu”.

Before her, at the helm of the National Park, one of the smallest in Italy (3,868 hectares) and at the same time among the most visited in Europe (over 3 million visitors per season) and the most densely populated in the country with around 4,000 inhabitants divided into five villages included in 3 Municipalities – Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare, the Park was led by the Commander of the Navy Vittorio Alessandro. In turn, successor to the first President of the Park Franco Bonanini, former Mayor of Riomaggiore. With the appointment of Viviani, the Cinque Terre Park returns under the management of an expert professional who is very rooted and known in the area. A profile of recovery and relaunch of collaboration and cooperation with local communities and institutions that he himself deliberately highlighted in his presentation to Parliament.

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