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cinemas adapt to safety distances, small theaters resist

As of Friday evening, the Gaumont cinemas have decided to adapt the reception of the public to government restrictions, while certain other places of culture, such as theaters with small capacity try to maintain their activity. Some exhibitions are also maintained.

Friday evening, in a press release, the Pathé Gaumont cinemas took note of the ban, announced at midday by Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, of any gathering greater than one hundred people. But they are trying to adapt. In general, most cinemas in France decided Friday to maintain their activity, even if a number resolved to close.

Contacted by Franceinfo Culture, the press service of Pathé Gaumont cinemas said Friday: “Our cinemas are open, but we are adapting our operating methods to accommodate our spectators in the best conditions. As of now, the capacity of our cinemas is reduced to 100 spectators and only one row in two is accessible.” Their priority: “preserve the health of [leur] spectators and [leurs] collaborators. “

Same decision, same spirit, on the side of Kinepolis cinemas which also cap their screenings. On Friday, they announced on their Facebook page: “All of the French Kinepolis cinemas remain open to the public by limiting the attendance of each hall to a maximum of 95 spectators. Theaters with capacities of less than 110 seats have their capacities reduced to 30 seats, this in order to guarantee safe distances between each viewer. “

However, the Cinémathèque and the Forum des Images, two emblematic temples dedicated to cinema in Paris, have announced the closure of their doors.

While large theaters have complied with the latest government guidelines to curb the spread of the coronavirus, small theaters are trying to continue to exist and remain open.

Thus, in Paris, Benoit Lavigne, director of two theaters, closed the Théâtre de l’Oeuvre (300 seats), but kept the Le Lucernaire theater open (three rooms with 48, 113, and 116 seats) where Life is Beautiful and journey to the Edge of the Night are played this weekend. However, Le Lucernaire canceled its performances for young audiences.

The Left Bank Theater maintains its programming for the moment. This is also what was announced on Twitter the Huchette theater.

In addition, if the Rond-Point Theater has canceled its performances in its largest hall, those scheduled in its smallest halls are for the time being maintained: My dinner with Winston and The last days, with a tonnage reduced to less than 100 people, as well as Visit (86 places gauge).

Friday, museums that felt ready to apply the gauges of the hundred visitors maximum announced that they remained open: the Lafayette Anticipations Foundation, the Louvre-Lens with its next exhibition “Black Suns”, the Domaine de Chaumont with its “Season of art “, the Marmottan-Monet Museum with” Cézanne, Rêve d’Italie “, the Jacquemart-André Museum with” Turner “, the Atelier des Lumières and the Carrières de Lumières with their immersive exhibitions.

For these sites, access is limited to visitors who have reserved their tickets online, subject to compliance with the gauges.

It remains to be seen whether the public will follow, in the anxiety-provoking climate that has befallen cultural activity in recent days. Check with these establishments and institutions before traveling, because as we were able to cionstate very recently, things can change very quickly.

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