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Cinema in Corona time: Review of the (disaster) film year | NDR.de – culture

Status: December 20, 2020 6:00 a.m.

2020 will probably go down in the history of the German film industry as a disaster year. Because the struggles for survival did not take place, but behind the screen. A review.

by Walli Müller

Cinemas that were closed for months, halls that were only allowed to be occupied by a quarter, as good as no Hollywood blockbusters that could have been cashed in: Much was depressing for those who operate cinemas, produce films or, as film fans, the cinema love. Nevertheless, there were a few highlights in the 2020 film year.

“Kangaroo Chronicles”: Great success despite the corona crisis

Where was James Bond when you needed him? After umpteen shifts it came latest Bond film is no longer this year and has been postponed to spring 2021. The fact that something was still going on in German cinemas in Corona year is thanks to courageous German colleagues who – in the truest sense of the word – step in (!) – like Marc-Uwe Kling and his kangaroo.


“He slept the most!”, Simon Verhoeven about Frederick Lau about the filming of Nightlife. Palina Rojinski and Elyas M’Barek about their first experiences with the night life and Frederick Lau about his preparations for drinking and mixing cocktails. 8 min

With a good 800,000 tickets sold, Dani Levy’s “Kangaroo Chronicles” – after Simon Verhoeven’s comedy “Nightlife” – are the second most successful German cinema film this year. During the lockdown it is temporarily sold as a stream – with part of the proceeds going to the closed cinemas – necessity also makes the film industry inventive. So this year there is a revival of the drive-in cinemas. A pleasure that has long been forgotten is being rediscovered as Corona-compatible.

After the first shutdown: “Undine” comes to the cinema

The cinemas will open again in July, and Christian Petzold’s “Undine” will be shown there. But the industry only achieved 20 percent of last year’s sales in July.

When the cinemas reopen after three and a half months at the beginning of July, ambitious films such as “Undine” by Christian Petzold started. At the Berlinale, which was just about to take place in February, was Paula Beer is celebrated as a modern water woman – just like director Burhan Qurbani for his version of “Berlin Alexanderplatz”. An African refugee is hooking a devilish seducer in the Berlin of today.

A dark three-hour epic, filmed and edited with virtuosity. But interest in it is low in the pandemic year: only 53,000 look at “Berlin Alexanderplatz”, 91,000 “Undine”. Disappointing numbers. The cinema industry achieved just 20 percent of last year’s sales in July.

800,000 viewers for “Jim Button and the Wild 13”

But then things slowly go uphill – thanks to individual blockbusters like “Tenet”. And it is also the hour for children’s films. There are six of them in the top 20 of the German cinema charts this year!

Almost 800,000 viewers for “Jim Button and the Wild 13”; At the beginning of October there are again 700,000 cinema visits per week: Measured on minimal space are the numbers that make you optimistic.

November shutdown – new low blow for the industry

Until the next low hit comes with the November shutdown. Director Julia von Heinz is hit particularly hard with her political drama “And tomorrow the whole world” was on everyone’s lips, making it the German Oscar proposal. The film then runs for exactly four days. All the attention: fizzled out.


Christine Berg (HDF Kino) speaking about the 2019 Cinema Program Award © picture alliance Photo: Jens Krick

According to the Main Association of German Film Theaters, German cinemas are currently losing around 17 million euros every week. A conversation with Christine Berg, the chairman of the association. more

It was a tough year for the industry, said Christine Berg, spokeswoman for the Association of German Cinemas. “The balance sheet is of course devastating. After almost six months of lockdown, three months of really bad business, we have a drop in sales of 70 percent.” In figures, that means a billion in sales loss, according to Berg. “You can imagine that it was not a good year for the cinema operators. But we hope for the next year. For that we need openings that can be really planned. Politicians have to act so that we know a bit about the year 2021 will bring in at least the first three or four months, “says Berg.

Cinemas continue to fear for their existence

So far, three cinemas have had to file for bankruptcy due to corona, many continue to fear for their existence. While streaming services are booming and big screen epics like “Mulan” are being marketed exclusively online. Disney +, Netflix and Co could affect the cinema industry beyond the pandemic.

On the other hand, digital streaming also opens up completely new possibilities. Hybrid film festivals were held for the first time in Oldenburg, Hof, Hamburg and Leipzig. With an audience on site and online viewing in parallel. So suddenly you could take part in festivals all over Germany. A win-win situation and perhaps at least a positive development that film fans owe Corona.

Further information

The film studio Warner Bros. plans to launch 17 major films simultaneously on streaming services in the coming year. more


1 Min

The 27th international Oldenburg Film Festival starts under strict hygiene requirements. The red carpet will be rolled out in the living rooms of selected film fans this year. 1 min

The festival was one of the first German film festivals since the beginning of the corona pandemic. more

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NDR Info | Culture | 21.12.2020 | 06:55 o’clock

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