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Cinema after the lockdown – Freiburg municipal cinema

The Alte Wiehrebahnhof has been in a kind of deep sleep since November and the empty cinema hall dreams of being filled again with expectant people, challenging films and exciting discussions.

Unfortunately, it is not yet clear when this will be possible. In order to sweeten the waiting a little – anticipation is known to be the greatest joy – we call on you to dream:

Which films would you like to see in our cinema after the lockdown?

Where would you go as part of the Wednesday cinemas like to travel? Which one Silent film should be brought to life with live music? Which one Children’s film will the whole family be delighted on Sunday afternoon? Which extraordinary filmmakers can we introduce you to as part of the cinema avant-garde imagine? Which films should we include in our monthly ranks Italian cinema, ciné club, asian takes, psychoanalysts present films, Freiburg windows and resonance offer a stage?

Send us your suggestions by February 28 per E-Mail an [email protected] (Subject: film of your choice) or drop them in our mailbox at Urachstrasse 40. We look forward to putting together a great program with you!

Your Koki team

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