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Cigarette Prices in Egypt Today – Thursday 6-22-2023: Complete List of Local and Imported Brands

Cigarette Prices Today in Egypt: Smokers Seek Affordable Options

In response to the soaring prices in the Egyptian market, smokers are actively searching for the latest cigarette prices today, Thursday 6-22-2023. The Eastern Tobacco Company in Giza has released a report titled “Cigarette Prices Today in Egypt,” which includes details of both local and imported brands. This article aims to provide readers with an overview of the current prices available in kiosks and shops.

Starting with popular brands, Boston and Belmont cigarettes are priced at 23 pounds today. Cleopatra box cigarettes, available in both white and colored variants, are priced at 45 pounds. The price of blue and yellow Merit cigarettes stands at 42 pounds, while LM cigarettes are priced at 39 pounds. Lucky Strike cigarettes can be purchased for 29 pounds. Mondial Switch, available in blueberry and menthol flavors, is priced at 24 pounds. Cleopatra Black, Matossian Super, and Cleopatra Box 10 all share a price of 24 pounds. Cleopatra King Size is priced at 20.50 EGP 24, and Cleopatra Soft Queen cigarettes are available for EGP 24.

The Eastern Tobacco Company officials have shed light on the reasons behind the recent surge in cigarette prices in Egypt. They explained that a key substance used in cigarette production is imported from abroad. The increase in the price of this substance is primarily attributed to the high value of the dollar, which directly impacts the overall cost of cigarettes in Egypt.

As smokers continue to grapple with the high prices, it is crucial for them to stay informed about the latest cigarette prices. The Eastern Tobacco Company’s report serves as a valuable resource for smokers seeking affordable options. By keeping track of the fluctuating prices, smokers can make informed decisions and find the best deals available in the market.

It is important to note that cigarette prices are subject to change, and smokers are advised to refer to the Eastern Tobacco Company’s report for the most up-to-date information.

What factors have contributed to the recent surge in cigarette prices in Egypt, according to the Eastern Tobacco Company officials, and how does the high value of the dollar impact the overall cost of cigarettes in the country

Title: Smokers in Egypt Hunt for Pocket-Friendly Alternatives as Cigarette Prices Rise

In an effort to cope with the skyrocketing prices of cigarettes in the Egyptian market, smokers are actively seeking out the latest information on cigarette prices today, Thursday 6-22-2023. The Eastern Tobacco Company in Giza has come to the rescue, releasing a comprehensive report titled “Cigarette Prices Today in Egypt,” which offers a detailed breakdown of both local and imported brands. This article aims to provide readers with an overview of the current prices available in kiosks and shops.

Let’s start by taking a look at some of the popular brands in the market. Today, Boston and Belmont cigarettes are being sold for 23 pounds. Cleopatra box cigarettes, available in both white and colored variants, are priced slightly higher at 45 pounds. Blue and yellow Merit cigarettes will set you back 42 pounds, while LM cigarettes come in at 39 pounds. If you’re a Lucky Strike fan, you can grab a pack for 29 pounds. Mondial Switch, available in blueberry and menthol flavors, is the most affordable option at 24 pounds. Cleopatra Black, Matossian Super, and Cleopatra Box 10 all share the same price tag of 24 pounds. Cleopatra King Size is priced at 20.50 EGP 24, and Cleopatra Soft Queen cigarettes can be purchased for EGP 24.

The Eastern Tobacco Company officials have shed light on the factors behind the recent surge in cigarette prices in Egypt. They explained that a key ingredient used in cigarette production is imported from abroad. The increase in the price of this ingredient can mostly be attributed to the high value of the dollar, which directly impacts the overall cost of cigarettes in Egypt.

As smokers struggle to cope with these exorbitant prices, it becomes crucial for them to stay abreast of the latest cigarette prices. The Eastern Tobacco Company’s report proves to be an invaluable resource for smokers on the hunt for affordable alternatives. By staying informed about the fluctuating prices, smokers can make well-informed decisions and find the best deals available in the market.

It is important to note that cigarette prices are subject to change, and smokers are advised to refer to the Eastern Tobacco Company’s report for the most up-to-date information. Stay tuned and make sure you’re always in the know!

2 thoughts on “Cigarette Prices in Egypt Today – Thursday 6-22-2023: Complete List of Local and Imported Brands”

  1. It’s interesting to see the current cigarette prices in Egypt. Knowing the complete list of local and imported brands can help smokers make informed decisions about their purchases.

  2. It’s alarming to see the rise in cigarette prices in Egypt. Hopefully, this will encourage people to quit smoking and prioritize their health over their addiction.


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