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Ciamis DPRD Members Ask the Regency Government to Replace Roadside Trembesi Trees

Ciamis News, (harapanrakyat.com), – Member of the Ciamis DPRD from the PAN faction Herdy Rusdiawan asked the Ciamis Regency Government to replace the trembesi tree on the protocol route.

He said, trembesi trees easily break or fall when exposed to strong winds. Especially now that the size is already high and large.

“It often happens that the trembesi tree falls when it rains and is accompanied by heavy winds, so it must be replaced with one with a strong texture,” said Herdy, Thursday (17/2/2022).

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He also hopes that the government, in this case the landscaping section, will carry out reforestation as soon as possible. This means replacing trees that are prone to falling.

“In busy urban lanes, don’t use tamarind trees, mahogany or Angsana are better, the advantages of Trembesi trees for reforestation are good because they can grow quickly, but the texture is easy to break,” he explained.

Trembesi trees are better planted in parks, such as the Cigembor BMX venue, Ciamis.

“If the protocol road is prone to collapse, it will endanger the passing motorists,” he said.

His party also supports the Ciamis Regency Government to reforest the Ciamis city area with yellow golden tree species.

“The results can be seen very good, because the tree includes a strong texture,” said Herdy. (Es/R8/HR Online/Jujang Editor)

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