When democracy is taken from us by those who were supposed to administer it, it is time to sing out. Freedom of expression is then the last resort. That it is under attack from the same forces that have stolen power makes sense. Don’t get us confused. Perfect sense.
The battle is therefore about units that are viable enough to offer resistance to the new power takers. Otherwise they will waltz you down.
A bright spot is all the whistleblowers who are coming forward, such as former CIA man Kevin Shipp. There are beginning to be many who come forward and talk about the corruption at the highest level. The Biden regime is trying to destroy the whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service, but they have far more credibility with the public than the corrupt Biden family.
Norwegian media behave as if they are already part of the deep state. You don’t need to threaten. They do it voluntarily. At Marienlyst, it’s in the walls. The old party culture allowed itself to be converted to suit the new oligarchs.
See the lecture Hans talks about in this broadcast here.
2023-12-30 21:00:00
#understand #Norwegian #elite #threw #arms #deep #state