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CIA recruiting video deemed too “woke” annoys US conservatives

The young woman says she is proud to be a “Cisgender millennial”, “Intersectional” and from an ethnic minority … and working for the CIA. But the video of the 36-year-old American of Hispanic origin, broadcast to promote diversity within the American intelligence agency, outraged conservatives who deem her too “woke”, a popular term for the taking of awareness of injustices, particularly related to skin color or gender.

In this promotional clip posted on YouTube, the young woman recounts her success using language common to young Americans and intellectuals, but mocked by those who find it too politically correct. “I am a woman of color. I am a mother. I am a cisgender millennial (person identifying with the sex assigned to him at birth, Editor’s note) who suffers from anxiety disorders ”, she said, walking through the halls of the CIA.

“I am intersectional”, she adds, namely that she is at the crossroads of several forms of discrimination. “But my life is not just about ticking boxes (…). I did not sneak into the CIA, (…) I won my place and I rose through the ranks ”, she says. “I suffered from impostor syndrome. But at 36, I refuse to let erroneous patriarchal ideas dictate to me what a woman can or should be ”.

Statements derided by several conservatives. China and Russia laugh out loud when they see the CIA woke up”, tweeted Donald Trump Jr, son of the former Republican president. “Wokitude is the kind of twisted psychological operation an intelligence agency would invent to destroy a country from within”, he added. The video proves that the CIA “Actively seeks to hire the most immodest, narcissistic and grotesquely self-centered people: the Millenials Woke”, commented John Nolte on the site Breitbart News, close to the extreme right.

The communication campaign reflects the change in the agency’s recruitment policy, which attempts to instill more diversity and co-education in its ranks. If for some, the CIA is moving away from its primary vocation, Larry Pfeiffer, a former senior official of the agency, considers that it draws its strength from diversity. “If you don’t like (the video), you may not be the target of this communication ”, he said.

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