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Church – Munich – Dioceses commemorate the corona dead – Bavaria

Munich (dpa / lby) – Believers in Bavaria thought of the victims of the corona pandemic on Saturday. There were memorial services in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising and in the Dioceses of Passau and Würzburg. They thus participated in the initiative of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences, which had called for Corona commemoration.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, called for prayer for the dead in the Munich Cathedral of Our Lady. His hope is “that through this crisis we will also notice what forces are in a society when the good and the committed people stand together – and we want to belong to that as Christians”.

Marx spoke of a stressful year. The corona crisis is a challenge for social and personal life. “We feel that it is now getting more and more difficult to get along well together.” It is important “not to become superficial even at such a time”. He warned against a culture of indifference and called for a culture of memory.

In the Würzburg Kilians Cathedral, Bishop Franz Jung also remembered the relatives of the sick and the survivors of the corona dead. The suffering of those affected often remains invisible. “It is hardly possible to visit the sick in the hospitals. Saying goodbye in the cemeteries is difficult given the restrictions,” he regretted.

In the Passau parish church of St. Paul, Pastor Michael Gnan also remembered the people who are not sick with Covid-19, but whose professional lives are threatened by the economic consequences of the Corona crisis.

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